
Title: Amok: A Concise Summary

Author: Stefan Zweig

Publication Date: 1922 (original German edition), translated into English in 1927

Genre: Psychological novella

Page Length: Approximately 100 pages


Amok, written by renowned Austrian author Stefan Zweig, is a compelling psychological novella that explores the dark and complex inner workings of the human mind. Set within the unforgiving landscapes of colonial Southeast Asia during the early 20th century, this thought-provoking work delves into themes of desire, despair, and the destructive consequences of repressed emotions. Through the eyes of the enigmatic protagonist, we are immersed in a gripping narrative that tackles profound moral dilemmas and exposes the consequences of an obsession with unchecked desires.

Plot Summary:

Part I: “Moonbeam Alley”

The story commences with a first-person narrator, a physician, who encounters a mysterious man during a steamship voyage traveling from Calcutta to Penang. This man, identified as Dr. R., initially impresses the protagonist with his composed and gentle demeanor. However, as the journey progresses, Dr. R. begins to confide in the narrator, recounting his painful personal experiences and moral struggles. The protagonist learns that Dr. R.’s obsession with a married woman had resulted in unrequited love, pushing him to near-madness.

Part II: “Amok”

In this section, Dr. R. reveals his past, detailing his time as a colonial doctor stationed in a tropical outpost. Here, he becomes infatuated with an exotic Malay woman, Hélène, who is unhappily married to a Dutch planter. Despite the illicit nature of their relationship, the two form a deep emotional connection, and Dr. R. risks everything, including his career and reputation, to maintain their affair. This section culminates in Hélène’s tragic demise, which triggers a devastating transformation in Dr. R.’s mindset.

Part III: “Marietta”

Following Hélène’s demise, Dr. R. retreats into a life of solitude in a distant Malay village. Here, he becomes entrenched in self-imposed isolation and rigorous medical practices. Meanwhile, a young girl named Marietta crosses his path and piques his interest. Despite her tender age, Marietta displays an insatiable curiosity about life and death, leading Dr. R. to reevaluate his own existence.

Part IV: “The End”

The final section sees Dr. R. entrust his personal writings to the narrator, explicitly stating his intentions to commit suicide. As the narrator prepares to leave the doctor’s village, he hears of Dr. R.’s alleged amok; a violent outburst of uncontrollable rage that has shocked the village inhabitants. Reflecting upon Dr. R.’s tragic tale, the narrator contemplates the fragility of the human mind and the cataclysmic consequences of unrequited love and unchecked desires.

Major Characters:

1. Dr. R. (unnamed narrator): A tormented physician aboard a steamship, whose encounter with Dr. R. sparks a journey into the perplexing realms of human psychology.

2. Dr. R.: The central protagonist plagued by unrequited love and repressed desires, whose story unveils the destructive consequences that can arise from the depths of obsession.

3. Hélène: A married Malay woman with whom Dr. R. becomes infatuated, catalyzing a profound transformation in his life and ultimately leading to tragedy.

4. Marietta: A young girl who provides Dr. R. with a glimpse of innocence and wonder, challenging his perceptions of existence and influencing his journey towards self-destruction.


1. Unrequited Love: Through Dr. R.’s experience with Hélène, Zweig explores the overwhelming power of unrequited love and the impact it has on one’s psychological well-being.

2. Human Desires and Their Repression: Amok delves into the complexities of human desire, shedding light on the destructive consequences of suppressing and repressing one’s deepest emotions.

3. Morality and Guilt: The novella intricately examines the moral dilemmas faced by the characters, delving into the consequences of their actions and the guilt-ridden aftermath that follows.


Amok, penned by Stefan Zweig in 1922, is a profound exploration of the destructive nature of unfulfilled desires and the psychological disarray that ensues. With its captivating narrative and evocative portrayal of characters grappling with moral quandaries, this psychological novella stands as a timeless work that serves as a poignant reminder of the complexity and frailty of the human mind. By immersing readers in the world of Dr. R., Zweig provides a chilling depiction of the consequences that can arise when one succumbs to a relentless obsession, offering a cautionary tale that lingers long after the final page is turned.