The Supreme Court limited the power of Congress to expel its members.

African American politician Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.,Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. was reelected to his seat in the House of Representatives. However, because of some allegations regarding misuse of congressional funds based on some improperly filed expense reports, Congress sought to block him from taking his seat in Congress. The Supreme Court, by an 8-1 vote, ruled that the House of Representatives could not add to the constitutional qualifications of its members any criteria other than those set forth in the Constitution, all of which Powell met. Further, Congress could expel a member only by a two-thirds vote. Had Congress prevailed in this case, its members would have been able to circumvent the expulsion process in many cases.Congress, qualifications for;Powell v. McCormick[Powell v. MacCormick]

Congress, arrest and immunity of members of

Congress, qualifications for

Contempt power of Congress