The Supreme Court, in these railroad cases, strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) during the early twentieth century.

Two cases, Houston, East, and West Texas Railway Co. v. United States and Texas and Pacific Railway Co. v. United States, were decided together and are known as the Shreveport Rate Cases. A state railroad commission had authorized Texas railroads to charge significantly lower rates for intrastate versus interstate rail shipments. The Interstate Commerce CommissionInterstate Commerce Commission (ICC) issued an order that overruled that state railroad commission’s authorization. The railroads argued that Congress lacked the right to set rates for intrastate transport under the Constitution’s commerce clause, but the Supreme Court found that intrastate and interstate commerce were so intertwined that the Texas intrastate rates had a harmful effect on interstate commerce. By a 7-2 vote, the Supreme Court upheld the ICC order, significantly strengthening the ICC. Justice Charles Evans HughesHughes, Charles Evans;Shreveport Rate Cases[Shreveport Rate Cases] wrote the opinion for the majority.Commerce, regulation of;Shreveport Rate Cases[Shreveport Rate Cases]

Commerce, regulation of


National Labor Relations Board v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.