The Supreme Court established the rule of complete diversity in federal courts.

Chief Justice John MarshallMarshall, John;Strawbridge v. Curtiss[Strawbridge v. Curtiss] wrote the opinion for the 6-0 majority, interpreting the command in Article III of the Constitution that the federal judiciary shall cover controversies “between the citizens of different states.” This case raised the question of diversity jurisdiction for the first time. Marshall relied on the 1789 Judiciary Act rather than the Constitution in deciding that all parties to a lawsuit must have an adequate basis for jurisdiction to enter federal court. This still valid judgment means that all parties on one side must be diverse from all parties on the other side (or completely diverse) in federal courts as a practical matter.Diversity jurisdiction;Strawbridge v. Curtiss[Strawbridge v. Curtiss]

Constitutional interpretation

Diversity jurisdiction

Judicial powers

Statutory interpretation