A Modest Proposal

Title: A Modest Proposal
Author: Jonathan Swift
Publish Date: 1729
Genre: Satirical Essay
Page Length: Approximately 10 pages

Jonathan Swift wrote A Modest Proposal in 1729, during a period of great poverty and famine in Ireland. The essay is written in a satirical tone, which means Swift uses humor to criticize and challenge the prevailing attitudes and beliefs of his time. The essay is structured as a proposal to solve the poverty crisis in Ireland by selling the children of the poor as food for the wealthy.

In the opening paragraphs, Swift establishes the dire situation faced by the Irish people, who are suffering from extreme poverty and hunger. He notes that many families are forced to beg on the streets, and that the children of the poor are a burden on their parents. Swift goes on to argue that something must be done to address this problem.

Swift’s proposal is shocking. He suggests that the children of the poor be sold as food for the rich, who could benefit from their meat and their skin. Swift argues that this solution would have numerous benefits. It would provide a solution to the poverty crisis, as parents would be able to sell their children for a profit. It would also benefit the wealthy, who would have a steady supply of high-quality meat and leather. Finally, Swift suggests that the sale of children for food would reduce the population, thus easing the burden on Ireland’s limited resources.

Throughout the essay, Swift maintains the satirical tone, using humor to underscore his points. He notes, for example, that the introduction of “a young healthy child well nursed, is at a year old a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food” and goes on to suggest that “a boy or a girl before twelve years old is no saleable commodity.” Swift is highlighting the dehumanization of the poor and the callousness of those who would exploit them.

Swift also addresses objections to his proposal, suggesting that those who are concerned about the welfare of the poor could purchase them and care for them as pets. He suggests that those who are concerned about the moral implications of eating human flesh could instead use the skin to make fashionable clothing. Swift is using these objections to satirize the callousness of those who would ignore the suffering of the poor, and their willingness to justify inhumane practices.

At the end of the essay, Swift drops the satirical tone, decrying the exploitation of the poor and challenging his readers to consider alternative solutions. He notes that the sale of children as food is only one of many cruel and inhumane practices that are used to exploit the poor, and that it is up to society to address these issues.

In conclusion, A Modest Proposal is a powerful work of satire that challenges readers to question their beliefs and assumptions. Swift’s proposal is shocking and inhumane, but it underscores the suffering faced by the poor in Ireland during the 18th century. By using humor to highlight the callousness of those who would exploit the poor, Swift forces his readers to consider the moral consequences of their actions. A Modest Proposal remains a powerful example of the use of satire to engage and challenge readers.