Anton Reiser

Title: Anton Reiser
Author: Karl Philipp Moritz
Published: 1785-1790
Genre: Bildungsroman
Page length: 551

Anton Reiser is a five-part novel written by Karl Philipp Moritz, first published between 1785 and 1790. The Bildungsroman follows the titular protagonist, Anton Reiser, from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in society.

Part One introduces us to eight-year-old Anton, who is living with his parents in Berlin. Anton is shown to be a precocious child with a vivid imagination that sometimes gets him into trouble. He begins to feel alienated from his family and peers as he becomes more aware of the disparities between his own experiences and theirs. This sets the stage for Anton’s journey of self-discovery and his eventual search for a sense of belonging.

In Part Two, Anton begins attending a prestigious school in Berlin, where he meets a group of boys who are all from privileged backgrounds. The contrast between Anton’s modest upbringing and his classmates’ wealth only reinforces Anton’s feelings of otherness. Anton develops a crush on a girl named Lotte, but his attempts to impress her are unsuccessful. Instead, Anton befriends a teacher at the school named Herr Behrens, who becomes a mentor and confidant to the young protagonist.

Part Three sees Anton leave Berlin and move to Leipzig to attend university. The more independence and freedom Anton gains, the more he struggles to find direction in his life. Anton becomes embroiled in a love triangle with two women, Theresa and Charlotte, but ultimately fails to form a lasting relationship with either of them. He also becomes interested in philosophy and develops a nihilistic outlook on life.

Part Four sees Anton return to Berlin, where he attempts to make a career for himself as a writer. This proves to be a challenging endeavor, as Anton is unable to sell his writing and struggles to make ends meet. He becomes involved with a group of Bohemian artists and intellectuals who reject mainstream society but also struggle to find acceptance and meaning in their alternative lifestyles.

Finally, in Part Five, Anton’s struggles come to a head. He becomes increasingly isolated and paranoid, imagining that the world is conspiring against him. Anton’s inner turmoil causes him to have a mental breakdown, and he is institutionalized. In the end, Anton is released and returns to his parents’ home, where he tries to make peace with the failures of his life.

Themes of alienation, identity, and belonging permeate throughout Anton Reiser. Moritz is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between a person and their environment, and how people navigate the complex social structures they find themselves in. The novel also grapples with larger philosophical questions about the purpose of existence and the possibility of finding meaning in an indifferent universe.

Despite its age, Anton Reiser remains a compelling and relevant work. The novel’s exploration of the struggles of becoming an individual in a society that values conformity and tradition is relatable to readers of any era. Moritz’s vivid, psychologically realistic portrayal of Anton’s inner life makes him a sympathetic and engaging protagonist, even at his most frustrating.