
Title: Blaming

Author: Elizabeth Taylor

Publish Date: 1976

Genre: Literary Fiction

Page Length: N/A

Blaming by Elizabeth Taylor, a renowned British novelist, takes readers on a profound exploration of human relationships and the effects of blame and resentment. Set in the post-war era, the novel touches upon themes of loneliness, friendship, and personal growth, providing readers with a poignant reflection on the complexities of everyday life.

The novel is divided into four parts, each delving into different characters and their experiences of blaming. Part One introduces Amy Henderson, a middle-aged woman who lives alone, devoting her life to her beloved Siamese cat, Julian. Amy’s reclusive existence is disrupted when her estranged niece, Laurel, comes to stay with her temporarily. The contrasting personalities of the two women clash, leading to a gradual unraveling of the family’s history and the underlying blame they hold towards one another. Throughout this section, Taylor delves into the damaging effects of resentment, emphasizing the importance of communication and understanding in familial relationships.

Part Two introduces Antonia Fleming, an actress who, despite her fame, struggles with loneliness and feelings of being a burden. Antonia, aging and gradually losing her beauty, becomes fixated on seeking blame for the unfortunate turn her life has taken. As she navigates through the remnants of her past relationships and encounters with her ex-lover, Palmer Anderson, Antonia’s journey highlights the recurring theme of self-blame. Taylor subtly underlines the destructive nature of internalizing blame and the need for forgiveness, both from others and oneself.

In Part Three, readers are introduced to Emily Christie, an eccentric and fiercely independent spinster who resides in a boarding house. Emily finds herself disillusioned with the world around her, particularly with her fellow boarders’ petty behaviors and the perceived blame cast onto her. When she meets a shy and unassuming writer named Humphrey, her perspectives begin to shift. This section explores the theme of societal blame, as Emily discovers that deep-rooted judgments and prejudices can be unfounded. Taylor’s portrayal of Emily’s transformation underlines the importance of empathy and understanding within a community.

The final part of the novel soulfully portrays the intertwined lives of Bertram Hemingway and Connie Burns. Bertram, an aging novelist, and Connie, a young widow, find themselves drawn to each other through the shared desire to escape blame and isolation. As their connection deepens, they both discover the power of companionship and the possibility of finding solace in each other. This section delves into the theme of shared blame and the significance of human connection in overcoming life’s hardships.

Elizabeth Taylor’s Blaming unflinchingly examines the ramifications of blame in various contexts, unveiling the impact it has on individuals’ lives and relationships. Through her vividly crafted characters, Taylor demonstrates the transformative power of understanding, forgiveness, and empathy in overcoming blame-induced emotional barriers.

Praised for its insightful portrayal of human strife and resilience, Blaming serves as a thought-provoking reminder of the importance of compassion and communication in a world increasingly defined by misunderstandings and misconceptions. By delving into the complex intertwining of blame and human connections, Taylor offers readers an introspective narrative that encourages introspection and sparks conversations about the complexities of blame within our own lives.