Bradford, Edward A.

President Millard Fillmore, a member of the Whig Party who sought compromise on the divisive issue of slavery, nominated Bradford to the Supreme Court, but the largely proslavery Democratic Senate took no action on the nomination, thus leaving Bradford unconfirmed.

Bradford was in Connecticut and educated in the North, but he became prominent as a lawyer in New Orleans after moving there in 1836. President Millard FillmoreFillmore, Millard nominated Bradford for the Supreme Court after the death of John McKinley, a southerner. Bradford’s politicized nomination was followed by those of two southerners, George E. Badger and William C. Micou, whose nominations also were not successful. Franklin Pierce, after succeeding Fillmore to the presidency, was able to succeed in replacing McKinley with John A. Campbell.Fillmore, Millard;nominations to the Court

Edward A. Bradford

(Library of Congress)

Bradford and Micou later joined a law firm with Judah P. Benjamin, a U.S. senator from Louisiana who became a member of the Confederate cabinet.

Badger, George E.

Campbell, John A.

McKinley, John

Micou, William C.

Nominations to the Court