Broken April

Title: Broken April – A Summary

Author: Ismail Kadare
Publication Date: 1978 (English translation)
Genre: Historical Fiction
Page Length: Approximately 250 pages


Broken April, a historical fiction novel written by Ismail Kadare, delves into the complex themes of honor, blood feuds, and the impact of tradition on Albanian society. Set in early 20th-century Albania, the story unfolds against the backdrop of the Kanun, a set of ancient laws that govern the country’s cultural practices.

The narrative is divided into three major parts, each highlighting different events, characters, and themes.

Part 1: Gjorg’s Reprieve
In this section, we are introduced to Gjorg Berisha, a young man from a remote mountain village, who is bound by the Kanun to avenge his brother’s death. Gjorg, burdened by the weight of the blood feud, heads into the town to fulfill this duty. However, he learns that his target, Zef Kryeqyqe, has temporarily escaped his fate by invoking the ancient right of besa, which grants him a one-month respite from being hunted. Gjorg is left in a state of uncertainty, battling his own convictions and struggling to comprehend the futility of the blood feud system.

Part 2: Bessian and Diana
This section pivots to a different perspective, focusing on Bessian Vorpsi and his wife Diana, a couple adventuring into the mountains on their honeymoon. Bessian, captivated by the inherent beauty of the Albanian landscape, becomes increasingly intrigued by the blood feud customs and traditions. As the newlyweds encounter various individuals affected by the ossified honor system, they come face to face with the harsh realities of life in the region.

Part 3: The Visitor
In the final part, a government official referred to simply as “the visitor” arrives in the mountain village. Sent to investigate the complex dynamics surrounding blood feuds, he aims to reduce the number of vendettas through diplomatic means. However, his efforts are met with staunch resistance from the villagers, who believe that the Kanun serves as the foundation of their identity. The visitor, unable to fully comprehend the intricacies of the ancient traditions, leaves the village disheartened, realizing the immense challenge that lies in dismantling centuries-old beliefs.

Throughout the novel, Kadare presents vivid and nuanced characters, each grappling with their own moral dilemmas, motivations, and internal conflicts. Gjorg epitomizes the stifling burden of duty, while Bessian embodies curiosity and a striving for understanding. The complex role of women in this patriarchal society is represented through Diana, who faces both fascination and repulsion in witnessing the consequences of honor rituals.

At its core, Broken April explores the destructive consequences of archaic systems and the immense barrier to progress they present. Kadare provides a critical commentary on the psychological and sociological foundations of honor culture and blood feuds, urging readers to question the value of tradition and the rigidity of custom.

The significance of Broken April lies in its ability to transport readers into a remote and idiosyncratic world while shedding light on universal themes that transcend time and place. The novel offers readers a thought-provoking glimpse into the complexities of human nature, the power of resilience, and the devastating impact of rigid societal structures.

Note: The page length for the novel may vary depending on the edition used.