Chronological List

1931: Herbert Hoover to Reed Smoot Regarding the Bonus Loan Bill

1931: The National Anthem Established: The Star-Spangled Banner

1931: Bumming in California

1932: Henry Stimson to Senator Borah Regarding the Nine-Power Treaty

1932: Eleanor Roosevelt: What Ten Million Women Want

1932: President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on “The Forgotten Man”

1932: Attack on the Bonus Army

1932: The Repatriation of Mexicans and Mexican Americans

1932: FDR on Government's Role in the Economy

1932: Herbert Hoover Speaks Against the New Deal

1932: Veterans March to Washington

1932: Women on the Breadlines

1933: Letter From Herbert Hoover to Franklin D. Roosevelt

1933: President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat Outlining the New Deal

1933: The Hurricane of 1932 in Puerto Rico

1933: John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt

1933: Eleanor Roosevelt on Women and the Vote

1934: Letter-Report Concerning the Tennessee Valley

1934: Indians at Work

1934: United We Eat–The Phenomenon of Unemployed Leagues

1934: What I Knew About John Dillinger

1934: A New Deal for American Indians

1935: FDR on Social Security

1935: Letter from a Dust Bowl Survivor

1935: Criticism of the Neutrality Act

1935: Neutrality Act of 1935

1935: A Negro in the CCC

1935: Letter Regarding Assistance to the Poor

1935: Letter Regarding the Needs of Puerto Ricans in New York

1935: Defense of the Neutrality Act

1936–1937: Memories of the Flint Sit-Down Strike

1937: The Hindenburg Disaster

1937: Speech Against the President's “Court Packing” Plan

1937: Plea from a Scottsboro Boy

1937: It's a Great Life in the CCC

1937: From the Federal Writers' Project: Cape Cod Pilot

1938: Address Delivered by the Secretary of State

1938: President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on the Current Recession

1938: Dear Mrs. Roosevelt

1938: Winston Churchill: “The Lights Are Going Out” in Europe

1938: On The War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast

1938: I'd Rather Not Be on Relief

1939: My Hopes for the CCC

1939: What REA Service Means to Our Farm Home

1939: Lou Gehrig: Farewell to Baseball

1939: The Hatch Act

1939: Winston Churchill: A Hush Over Europe

1939: Charles Lindbergh: Neutrality and War

1939: Our Jobless Youth: A Warning

1939: What Does American Democracy Mean to Me?