Fado Alexandrino

Title: Fado Alexandrino Summary

Author: António Lobo Antunes
Publication Date: 1983
Genre: Historical Fiction
Page Length: Approximately 600 pages

Fado Alexandrino, written by renowned Portuguese author António Lobo Antunes, was published in 1983 and has since emerged as a significant work of historical fiction. Spanning a compelling narrative over several decades, the novel offers a profound insight into the lives of four Portuguese soldiers who fought in the colonial war in Angola. Through its intricate portrayal of characters and the exploration of various themes, Fado Alexandrino provides readers with a deeper understanding of the impact of war on individuals and their subsequent search for identity.


Part One: Moments from Various Human Lives
The novel opens with an unnamed narrator recounting the lives of four Portuguese soldiers who fought in the colonial war in Angola. These men, known by their military ranks and codenames—Medeiros, Celestino, Heitor, and Miliciano—represent a cross-section of Portuguese society. Through their memories and shared experiences, the reader gains valuable insights into the struggles, traumas, and anxieties endured by soldiers during the war. The story focuses on their interactions within the platoon, the challenges of adapting to a foreign land, and their coping mechanisms to deal with the atrocities of war.

Throughout this part, the characters’ individual stories are intertwined, highlighting their distinct personalities and backgrounds. Medeiros, a scientific mind, tussles between his ambitions and the harsh realities of warfare. Celestino, a music lover, seeks solace in his love for Fado music amidst the turmoil. Heitor, haunted by his dark past, becomes determined to overcome his inner demons. Lastly, Miliciano, an orphan, grapples with the longing for a sense of belonging and identity. Despite their contrasting personalities, the characters form a unique bond, finding solace and empathy in their shared experiences.

Part Two: The Sleep of Deprivation
In this section, the narrative transitions to the post-war period, where the four soldiers find themselves navigating life back home in Portugal. The war has left an indelible mark on each of them, not just physically but also psychologically. Lobo Antunes delves deep into the inner turmoil that plagues the characters as they strive to reintegrate into society and confront the consequences of their actions. Depression, addiction, and an ongoing search for purpose and belonging form the thematic core of this part.

As the novel progresses, the characters’ paths intertwine with others from their past, each contributing to their individual journeys in unique ways. The author presents societal issues, such as political corruption, poverty, and the disillusionment faced by the Portuguese people in the aftermath of the war. Lobo Antunes seamlessly weaves these complex societal concerns into the personal narratives of Medeiros, Celestino, Heitor, and Miliciano, allowing them to serve as metaphors for the broader Portuguese experience during this period.

Part Three: Voices of Characters Living Together
The final part of Fado Alexandrino explores the evolution of the four soldiers’ lives as they approach middle age. Lobo Antunes delves into their relationships, regrets, and evolving perspectives. Through introspection and interaction, the characters confront their past decisions, introspecting the true cost of war and searching for redemption. The narrative shifts between different voices, presenting an authentic portrayal of human emotion and the complexities that arise from shared history.

The novel concludes with a bittersweet reflection on the characters’ lives, universalizing their stories to encompass the collective human experience. Lobo Antunes masterfully captures the longing for love, forgiveness, and a sense of purpose, resonating with readers on a profound emotional level.

Fado Alexandrino explores several fundamental themes, including the psychology of war, post-war struggles, personal identity, societal disillusionment, trauma, and redemption. The novel’s portrayal of the characters reflects a broader critique of Portuguese society, shedding light on the consequences of colonialism and the impact of war on both individuals and the collective national psyche. By delving into the intricacies of war and its aftermath, Lobo Antunes prompts readers to contemplate the complexities of human nature and society’s role in shaping individuals.

Fado Alexandrino, a compelling work of historical fiction by António Lobo Antunes, provides a poignant portrayal of the lives of four Portuguese soldiers during the colonial war in Angola. Through its engaging narrative, diverse characters, and exploration of universal themes, the novel offers a profound understanding of the psychological and emotional toll of war. Lobo Antunes skillfully crafts a narrative that transcends individual experiences to highlight broader societal issues, inviting readers to reflect on the human condition and the consequences of history. Fado Alexandrino stands as a significant literary achievement, deserving of its place in academic discussions and as a poignant reflection on the complexities of war and its aftermath.