Go Down

Title: “Go Down” Summary

Author: Femi Osofisan
Publish Date: 2004
Genre: African Literature, Drama
Page Length: Not specified


“Go Down” by Femi Osofisan is a captivating African drama that explores the complexities of power, corruption, and resistance within a fictional city called Lendia. Set amidst a backdrop of socio-political unrest, the play delves into the lives and struggles of its diverse characters, ultimately shedding light on the consequences of oppressive systems and the human capacity for resilience.

Part 1: The Arrival

“Go Down” begins with the arrival of Chief Osasa, a powerful individuals known for his ruthless tactics. His return to Lendia, after an extended absence, immediately causes tension and anticipative fear among the inhabitants of the city. The corrupt Chief harbors a dark secret, having betrayed his niece, Kowa, to further his own interests.

Part 2: The Gathering

In this section, Osofisan brings together a diverse group of characters who, despite their differences, share a common desire for justice and liberation from Chief Osasa’s oppressive rule. Among them are Kowa, who seeks to expose her uncle’s crimes, and Aderopo, the descendant of a long line of brave warriors. Together, they form a resistance movement aimed at challenging the reign of Chief Osasa.

Part 3: The Resistance

The resistance movement gains momentum as more individuals join their cause. Aderopo, drawing inspiration from his ancestors, assumes a leadership role in the fight against Chief Osasa’s tyrannical regime. As the play unfolds, the characters demonstrate courage and determination in their pursuit of justice, even in the face of immense personal risk.

Part 4: Confrontation

This section marks the climactic point of the play, as the resistance confronts Chief Osasa directly. A dramatic confrontation unfolds during a masquerade festival, where the masked Aderopo boldly exposes the Chief’s wrongdoings and rallies the citizens to rise against him. Chaos ensues, and in the midst of the tumult, justice finally begins to prevail as Chief Osasa is overthrown and forced to face the consequences of his actions.

Part 5: The Aftermath

As the dust settles, Lendia undergoes significant changes. A sense of hope and potential for a brighter future emerges, and the characters reflect upon the personal sacrifices they made in their fight for freedom. The play draws to a close, leaving the readers with a profound message about the power of unity, resistance, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Key Characters:

1. Chief Osasa: The central antagonist, a corrupt and tyrannical figure.
2. Kowa: Chief Osasa’s niece, driven by a desire for justice and a need for redemption.
3. Aderopo: Descendant of noble warriors, becomes a pivotal figure in leading the resistance.
4. Other characters include members of the resistance movement, loyalists to Chief Osasa, and the oppressed citizens of Lendia.


1. Corruption and Power: The play explores the destructive impact of corruption and the abuse of power within society.
2. Resistance and Revolution: It highlights the importance of collective action and resistance in the face of oppression, providing inspiration for those seeking change.
3. Redemption and Consequences: The characters grapple with the consequences of their choices and find redemption through their fight for justice.
4. Spirituality and Ancestry: Traditional beliefs and ancestral spirits play a significant role, guiding the characters in their quest for liberation.

Critical Reception:

“Go Down” is hailed for its thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics and its resonating themes of resistance and redemption. Femi Osofisan’s skillful use of language and theatrical techniques captivates readers, immersing them into the tumultuous world of Lendia. The play serves as a valuable academic resource, offering students insights into African literature, postcolonial struggles, and the power of literature as a tool for social change.