Green Eggs and Ham

“infobox Book “
name Green Eggs and Ham
image caption 1988 cover
author Dr. Seuss
country America
language English language
genre(s) Fiction
publisher Random House
release date 1960
media type Paperback
pages 64

Executive Summary

Sam wants his friend to try green eggs and ham, and after much convincing, he tries them and likes them.


Green Eggs and Ham is a short work of fiction by legendary kids book author Dr. Seuss, in which a very persistent Sam-I-Am repeatedly asks his unnamed friend, in a multiplicity of ways, whether his friend would like ham accompanied by, of all things, green eggs.

As the story begins, Sam’s friend is recalcitrant. He tells Sam-I-Am that he “would not like them” in “a box” or “a house,” nor with “a fox” or “a mouse,” that he “would not eat them here or there,” and in fact “would not eat them anywhere.”

Yet Sam-I-Am’s friend’s dogmatic anti-ham stance proves to be fleeting, as during the dramatic climax of the yarn, he suddenly and without warning embraces that which he has scorned to that critical juncture.

Sam-I-Am’s epiphany is so profound and his transformation so thorough that from this point forward he embraces the once-loathed food in all its locations – and, the reader is led to believe, incarnations. His friend now covets the cuisine not only “in a boat” and “on a train,” but also “in the dark” and “in a tree.”

It is not made clear whether he would go out of his way to eat the tasty eggs and ham treat or whether he would simply accept it if offered on the spot in its varied locations, but the author does make the reader acutely aware, in no uncertain terms, of one vital point: Sam’s formerly ham-and-egg-spiting friend has a new perspective on this peculiar manifestation of cured pork and emerald-hued huevos. He likes it. He likes it a lot.
