Infinite Jest

A 1000+ tome describing a year in the life of Hal Incandenza, a budding tennis champion and lexical genius.

Brief Chapter Summaries

  1. 3* — Admissions Interview
  2. 10 — Hal eats mold
  3. 11 — Admissions Interview, cont.
  4. 13 — Hal on restroom floor
  5. 15 — So yo then man what’s your story?
  6. 17* — Erdedy pot debauch: (Where’s the woman who said she’d come?)
  7. 27* — Dad: Professional Conversationalist
  8. 32* — Orin’s phone call rouses Mario
  9. 33* — Medical Attache & mystery TP cartridge
  10. 37 — Wardine, Roy Tony, and Reginald. Ebonics.
  11. 38 — Mildred Bonk & Bruce Green
  12. 39* — Hal & Mario talk God & don’t sleep
  13. 42 — Orin wakes. Slowly.; Medical Attache update #1
  14. 49* — ETA Physical Plant/Pump Room/ Hal’s Secrecy
  15. 54 — Medical Attache update #2
  16. 55 — Don Gately: Botched DuPlessis Burglary
  17. 60 — InterLace, 932/1864 R.I.S.C. Power TPs…
  18. 60 — Troeltsch’s rapid onset rhinovirus
  19. 61 — Evil in the dorm room with you
  20. 63* — Dad bio Mom, CT info
  21. Endnote: (#24) James’ Filmography
  22. 65 — Orin hang-glides into Mile High Stadium
  23. 66* — Pemulis’ pharmocology seminar
  24. 67 — Football field-sized tennis court dream
  25. 68* — Kate Gompert, in hospital
  26. 78 — Medical Attache catatonic
  27. 79 — Gerhardt Schtitt & Mario walk and talk
  28. 85 — Tiny Ewell’s cab ride
  29. 87 — Medical Attache update #3
  30. 87* — Marathe and Steeply: “You have ridiculous tits…”
  31. 93 — “It’s a herd of feral hamsters.”
  32. 93 — Marathe and Steeply in the desert, pt. 2
  33. 95 — Pop quiz in the shower room
  34. 97 — Marathe & Steeply, silent at dusk
  35. 97 — Exhausted in the ETA shower room
  36. 105 — Marathe and Steeply debate Helen of Troy
  37. 109 — ETA Big Buddy Meetings
  38. 121 — USS Millicent Kent seduces Mario!
  39. 126 — Marathe and Steeply: Anti Entertainment
  40. 127 — “Your murated nation.”
  41. 127* — Lyle, the sweat licking guru
  42. 128 — Wo dranos C; Poor Tony wants the stole
  43. 135* — Orin calls Hal: he’s very hot.
  44. 137 — Ennet House & its anonymous founder
  45. 138 — Absurd Workmen’s Comp claim
  46. 140 — Hal’s term paper, reprinted
  47. 142 — Steeply’s “Artifical Heart Purse Snatch” piece.
  48. 144 — Table: Separatist/Anti-ONAN terrorist groups
  49. 144 — The Rise and Fall of Videophony
  50. 151* — Buying Urinalysis/Hal & Pemulis bio
  51. 157* — James Sr. lectures James (age 10); Ruined Knees
  52. 169 — Pemulis scores DMZ from town
  53. 172 — Hal: “How To Be A Feral Tennis Prodigy”
  54. 176 — Montesian’s Ennet House transcripts
  55. 181* — Madame Psychosis
  56. 193 — Ennet Complex (EMPHH) layout
  57. 198 — Weight Room, ETA
  58. 200 — “…many exotic new facts…”; Tiny’s tattoo jones
  59. 211 — The Incredibly Potent DMZ
  60. 219* — Joelle VD ponders demapping herself @ Molly Notkin’s party…
  62. 223 — …Joelle VD continues her contemplation…
  63. 227 — H.P. Steeply: Curriculum Vitae
  64. 227 — …Joelle VD finishes the job.
  65. 240* — Enfield, MA, and environs
  66. 242 — Hal relates James’ suicide to Orin
  67. 258* — Port Washington tournament
  68. 270 — Geoffrey Day & Gately at Ennis
  69. 281 — Bus ride back from Port Washington
  70. 283* — Orin: Punting, Joelle: Filming
  71. 299 — Poor Tony withdraws and crashes spectacularly
  72. 306* — Prorected Syllabus; Troeltsch’s play-by-play; Mirrors across I-87
  73. Endnote: (#110) Hal & Orin discuss Quebec (Still separatist? Or Anti-ONAN?)
  74. 312 — “Every Inch Of Mario Incandenza”
  75. 317 — Marathe and Steeply: Children & Freedom
  76. 321* — ESCHATON!
  77. 343 — Real dependence/Boston AAs (longest chapter)
  78. 367 — Statue Of Liberty snippet
  79. 367 — Boston AAs cont./the abused invertebrate sister
  80. 375 — Marathe unsure of Steeply
  81. 375 — Himself visits Lyle
  82. Endnote (#145): Found Drama
  83. 376 — Why Deny The Marcescent Child?
  84. 379 — Himself & Lyle, libating
  85. 380* — ETA Gala: “ONANTiad of Mario”
  86. 386 — ETA Gala/Lyle/Reconfig Headlines
  87. 394 — Lyle: Levitating chair story
  88. 395 — James O.’s Films: Medusa & Odialisque/Eyeball/The Joke
  89. 398 — More ONANtiad/Clipperton
  90. 410 — Hal’s Paper: Broadcast Networks & Advertising fold, InterLace Emerges
  91. 418 — Marathe & Steeply: Freedom to choose?
  92. 430 — Clipperton suicide
  93. 434 — Gately & Stavros janitize Shattuck
  94. 436 — Cyanide Quik/Subsidized time cabinet mtg.
  95. 442* — AA: Gately & God, Mom, & memories
  96. 449 — Hal’s tooth dream/Mario misses Joelle
  97. 450 — ETA: AM Drills/Schtitt’s Lecture
  98. 461 — Gately shops, cooks, drives Pat’s Aventura
  99. 470 — Marathe & Steeply: P-terminals
  100. 475 — Gately cruises; AFR skewer & spike Lucien & Bertraund, respectively, though not in that order
  101. 489 — Marathe & Steeply: Haven’t you been tempted?
  102. 491 — James’ Father’s Bedframe’s Collapse (aka Chapter 16 of “The Awakening Of My Interest In Annular Systems”)
  103. 503 — NA mtg: The Roy Tony & Erdedy hugging set-to.
  104. 507 — Marathe & Steeply: We’ve lost some people…
  105. 508 — Eschaton reprisals/In CT’s Waiting Room
  106. 528 — Marathe & Steeply: Dawn, Odalisque de St Therese
  107. 531 — Gately & Joelle: So What’s Behind The Veil?
  108. 538* — Randy Lenz “Resolves” Rats & Cats
  109. 548 — Tine’s Ruler / Dissemination Point
  110. 550 — The Moms & John Wayne dot dot dot
  111. 553 — Lenz & Bruce Green walk. Lenz Talks.
  112. 560 — Wayne Pokes His Head In
  113. 560 — Lenz continues…
  114. 563 — Gately’s Informal Moments’ Snippets
  115. 565 — Orin Xs the Swiss Handmodel
  116. Endnote: (#234) Steeply Interviews Orin
  117. 567 — Pemulis Lectures Arslanian in the tunnel
  118. 574 — Orin: Handmodel leaves, wheelchairs return.
  119. 575 — Bruce Green’s Folks’ Deaths. Lenz slashes dog
  120. 589 — Mario feels no pain, wanders down to Ennet
  121. 593 — Life on Ennet Staff: Picayune & unpleasant
  122. 596 — Orin, w/ Swiss subject, is questioned by handicapped surveyor
  123. 601 — Gately is shot
  124. 620* — AFR kidnaps WYYY engineer @ Duck Pond draining
  125. 627 — Stice almost beats Hal; Rapacious eating at ETA
  126. 638 — Marathe & Steeply: Steeply’s Dad ODs on M*A*S*H
  127. 648 — G Day to Kate G: “billowing black sail of hell”
  128. 651 — Hal v. Stice on court; Steeply v. deLint in bleachers
  129. 663 — Marlon Bain on Orin Incandenza
  130. Endnote: (#269) Steeply interviews Orin.
  131. 666 — Tunnel Club finds something maggot-infested
  132. 673 — Steeply, deLint & Poutrincourt watch Hal v. Stice
  133. 682 — Matty Pemulis sodomized by his Da
  134. 686 — “Abandoning All Hope” / Hal views entertainments
  135. 689 — Poor Tony Krause heads for Antitoi’s
  136. 692 — Lenz’ frightful hog
  137. 692 — Hal is lonely; Kate G and her Lionel Train friend
  138. 698 — Kate G & Ruth vC walk, stalked by Poor Tony
  139. 700 — Troeltsch sets up for play by play
  140. 700 — Pemulis moves ceiling tile
  141. 700 — Lyle hovers
  142. 701 — Schtitt & Mario in sidecar
  143. 701 — Avril phones Steeply
  144. 701 — Friends join Hal to view “Blood Sister” / The peanut butter-n-biscuits story NA-splinter CA guy
  145. 711 — “Blood Sister” run-through
  146. 714 — Poor Tony robs Kate & Ruth
  147. 716 — Lenz stalks two Chinese women
  148. 719 — AFR: “Two ways of going…”
  149. 719 — Ruth chases Poor Tony. Well.
  150. 721 — AFR finds entertainment at Antitoi’s
  151. 723 — Fourtier sacrifices w/ wheelchair despite alternatives
  152. 723 — Joelle dreams of Gately as dentist
  153. 724 — AFR conducts interviews, testing motivation range digitally
  154. 728 — Lenz robs Chinese women
  155. 729 — Marathe enters Ennet “clued” by halitotic man
  156. Endnote: (#304) Le Jeu du Prochain Train
  157. 736 — Joelle cleans room, remembers 1st Thanksgiving w/ Incandenzas
  158. 747 — Marathe checks into Ennet w/ Pat M.
  159. 751 — Joelle finishes cleaning Ennet room
  160. 752 — Marathe & Pat talk, Johnette pokes her head in
  161. 755 — Mario films, while walking, Chu; Moms’ talk
  162. 769 — Mario & Hal discuss liars
  163. 774 — Marathe & Kate G get flapped
  164. 782 — Hal fesses up to Mario re drug use
  165. 785 — Hal visits Ennet/Johnette
  166. 787 — Endnote #324 Pemulis reassures Possathwaite w/o throttling Freer, somehow
  167. 787 — Molly Notkin tells ALL re Joelle’s history
  168. 795 — Endnote #332 Wayne goes nuts on the air; Pemulis confronted
  169. 795 — Hal’s Men’s Movement Mtg.
  170. 809* — Gately convalesces, sorta. / Money-Stealers Club / C. Thrust visits
  171. 827 — Gately visited by wraith (James)
  172. 845 — AFR prepares to take Quebec tennis bus
  173. 846 — Gately’s dreams: Joelle, Mrs. Waite
  174. 851 — Hal first person, in his room; it’s snowing
  175. 854 — Joelle visits Gately, shares photo album
  176. 864 — Stice stuck to window; Hal’s facial tic surfaces; Kenkle & Brandt
  177. 876 — Mtg.: Tine Sr. & Jr., Hooley, Yee (Splarg. Kaa.), Veals
  178. 883 — Gately: FF; Hindu M.D.; McDade & Diehl visit
  179. 896 — Hal stream of consciousness; Hal horizontal
  180. 902 — Gately’s football & pharmacological youth
  181. 906 — Pemulis wants to interface w/ Hal (Hal not impressed)
  182. 911 — Gately history: Fackleman & Kite
  183. 916 — Pemulis checks his entrepot
  184. 916 — Gately: Fackleman’s HUGE windfall; digging dream.
  185. 934 — Joelle is warned by Steeply
  186. 934 — Gately & Fackleman’s MASSIVE Dilaudid binge
  187. 938 — Joelle questioned by Steeply re entertainment
  188. 941 — Hal thinks; Stice on ceiling, mapless, Accomplice!, Weston, Orin’s porno, Avril’s…uh…”loose.” Shall we say
  189. 958 — Joelle, post interview, returns to Ennet
  190. 958 — Mickey’s “cunt sister” denies consent
  191. 960 — Asst. DA “names his disease” to Pat M.
  192. 964 — ETA; Quebec team gala; Barry Loach as panhandler
  193. 971 — Orin under glass
  194. 972 — Gately fever; Dilaudid debauch w/ Fackleman

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