Less Than Zero

Title: Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis

Author: Bret Easton Ellis
Publish Date: 1985
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Page Length: Approx. 200 pages


Less Than Zero, a contemporary fiction novel written by Bret Easton Ellis, was published in 1985. Set in Los Angeles during the 1980s, the story revolves around Clay, a disconnected college student who returns to his hometown for winter break. Throughout the novel, Ellis paints a bleak portrait of a generation lost in a world of nihilism, apathy, and empty decadence.

The novel is divided into distinct sections, each showcasing different events and character interactions. Presented within a fragmented narrative structure, these sections depict the lives of Clay and his friends within the affluent yet corrosive environment of Los Angeles.

Section 1:
The novel begins with Clay, the protagonist, arriving back in Los Angeles from his east coast college for winter break. He reflects on the changes the city has undergone during his time away. Attending his welcome-home party, Clay encounters his drug-addicted ex-girlfriend, Blair, and his childhood friend, Julian, who is part of the fast-lane lifestyle of drug dealing and addiction. Clay’s on-again, off-again relationship with Blair takes a back seat as he delves into his circle of friends and their increasingly reckless lives.

Section 2:
In this section, Clay attends a party where he witnesses and experiences the dark, hedonistic excesses of the Los Angeles elite. Drugs play a central role as Clay becomes drawn into a world of casual sex, violence, and constant drug use. Julian’s struggles with addiction worsen, with his drug dealing becoming increasingly perilous. Clay becomes entangled in complex relationships, including one with a girl named Alana, who later reveals she is in love with Julian. The sense of aimlessness and detachment is palpable as Clay and his friends continually seek escapism through sex, drugs, and material trappings.

Section 3:
As Clay’s disillusionment with his friends’ empty existence deepens, he joins Julian on a desperate hunt to find his missing brother, who is indebted to a dangerous drug dealer called Rip. Clay becomes an observer to the darker side of life in Los Angeles, witnessing first-hand the consequences of addiction and the warped sense of morality that permeates his social circle. The shocking climax of this section reveals the destructive power of this toxic environment.


Throughout Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis explores the theme of disillusionment and the moral vacuum experienced by the young generation inhabiting a world defined by excess and materialism. The novel depicts the alienation and disconnection felt by Clay, who struggles to find meaning in the superficial pursuits of his peers. Ellis also delves into the destructive power of addictions, whether they be to drugs or superficiality, showing how they drain individuals of their identity and moral compass.

The characters in Less Than Zero are emblematic of the lost youth and the emptiness that pervades their lives. Clay acts as a detached observer, struggling to connect with others and find authenticity in a world that is devoid of it. Blair, Julian, and Clay’s other acquaintances are trapped in cycles of addiction and self-destructive behavior, seeking temporary pleasure and distraction rather than confronting their own facades.

Ultimately, Less Than Zero serves as a stark critique of the hedonistic culture prevalent in the 1980s Los Angeles. Ellis’s vivid portrayal uncovers the hollowness of a society obsessed with surface appearances, immersing readers in an unsettling world where individuals are reduced to mere commodities and hedonism reigns supreme.


Less Than Zero holds significant cultural and literary value, as it captures the ennui and moral bankruptcy experienced by a generation caught in the grips of disconnection and shallow indulgence. Ellis’s portrayal of the 1980s Los Angeles elite has become an enduring symbol of a society on the brink of collapse, foreshadowing the excesses and moral ambiguities of modern times.

By shedding light on the dark underbelly of a materialistic culture, the novel presents a cautionary tale for readers, urging them to reflect on the consequences of unchecked hedonism and the pursuit of instant gratification. Its themes of disillusionment and lost identity resonate with readers across generations, highlighting the importance of human connection and authenticity in an increasingly artificial world.

Less Than Zero serves as a powerful reminder of the price we pay when we sacrifice meaningful values and substance for hollow pleasures. Bret Easton Ellis’s insightful exploration of this fragile and desolate world continues to provoke thought, discussion, and analysis, solidifying its place as an important work in contemporary literature.