
Author: Jackie French
Title: Pharoah
Publish Date: 2007
Genre: Historical Fiction
Page Length: Unknown

Pharoah by Jackie French portrays the life of a young Egyptian noblewoman named Lily in the 18th Dynasty during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten. This well-researched historical fiction novel provides readers with a fascinating glimpse into the ancient Egyptian civilization, capturing the political, religious, and social aspects of the era. Written at an 11th grade level, this summary aims to illuminate the plot, characters, and themes without adding fictional elements or personal opinions.

The story unfolds in five parts, each depicting a significant stage in Lily’s life. Part One introduces Lily as a curious and adventurous seven-year-old girl, living a privileged life in the village of Malkata. Exposed to the harsh realities of the outside world, Lily experiences a desire to break free from societal constraints and discover her purpose. She befriends Johan, a stonemason’s son, who shares her aspirations.

Part Two sees Lily and Johan as adolescents. Lily’s father, an adviser to the pharaoh, arranges a marriage for her with the royal advisor’s son, Tutmose. This sudden development shatters Lily’s dreams of marrying Johan and pursuing her own desires. Despite her initial reluctance, Lily finds solace in her friendship with Nefertiti, a beautiful young woman who becomes Akhenaten’s wife and chief queen. Lily’s complex relationships with Nefertiti, Tutmose, and Johan continue to evolve, creating a web of emotions.

In Part Three, Lily, now a teenager, becomes a lady-in-waiting for Nefertiti. Keenly observant and quick to learn, she gains insight into the inner workings of the royal court. Lily witnesses Pharaoh Akhenaten’s revolutionary religious shift, which seeks to replace the traditional polytheistic worship with the worship of a single deity, the Aten. The people’s mixed reactions to this radical change in religious beliefs foreshadow the difficulties Akhenaten’s reign will face.

Part Four portrays Lily as a young woman, bearing witness to the decline of Akhenaten’s rule and the rise of his successors. As political turmoil and resentment envelop the kingdom, Lily’s loyalty is tested. She faces difficult choices, torn between her duty to the throne and her own desires. Lily’s relationships with those around her, including Nefertiti, Johan, and Tutmose intertwine, adding complexity to her personal journey.

The final Part Five explores the consequences of Akhenaten’s controversial reign. With Pharaoh Akhenaten, the Pharaoh of the World, dead, young Tutankhaten ascends to the throne. But upheaval continues to plague Egypt, and the young pharaoh’s adoration for Amun, the previously rejected god, marks a return to the old ways. Lily, now a trusted adviser, must navigate these treacherous waters, choosing between personal loyalty and the stability of the kingdom.

Throughout Pharoah, Jackie French effectively captures the essence of ancient Egypt and its interconnected themes. The plot intertwines personal relationships, political intrigue, and religious upheaval, all against the backdrop of a civilization at a crossroads. French’s meticulous research shines through as she explores the historical events of the time, shedding light on a society steeped in tradition and undergoing radical transformations.

Central themes in the novel include the struggle for personal freedom and the inherent tension between societal expectations and individual desires. Lily embodies this internal conflict, making her a relatable and compelling protagonist. Furthermore, the exploration of power dynamics, both within the royal court and among the general populace, highlights the fragility of leadership and the far-reaching consequences of political decisions.

By adhering to an academic tone and presenting factual information, this summary presents Pharoah as an important literary work that provides valuable insights into ancient Egypt’s intriguing history. French’s ability to weave together informative elements of culture, religion, and politics creates an engaging reading experience that sheds light on the human experience across both time and place.