Table of Contents: Defining Documents in American History: Postwar 1940s (1945–1950)

The Contents of Defining Documents in American History: Postwar 1940s (1945–1950)

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


War Crimes and Tribunals

Executive Order 9547

Nuremberg Code

Establishment and Proceedings of the Tribunal

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

The New World Order

Preamble of the UN Charter

Potsdam Agreement

Statement by General MacArthur on the Occupation of Japan

No Sacrificing of Basic Principles for Expediency

Complete Integration of Military Operations

The World Needs the Tonic of Universal Truth

No Country Fears a Strong America

“The Sources of Soviet Conduct”

Truman Statement on Immigration into Palestine

Truman Doctrine Speech

Speech on the Marshall Plan

Vyshinsky’s Speech to the UN General Assembly

NATO Treaty

Memorandum on Lifting the Soviet Blockade

American Alliances

Act of Chapultepec

Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance

Pact of Bogota

Address by Secretary Acheson, September 19, 1949

Atomic Policy

Atomic Energy and International Trade

Atomic Explosion in the USSR

International Control of Atomic Energy

The Red Scare

Executive Order 9835

Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Ronald Reagan’s Testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Testimony Regarding Communist Investigations

Domestic Affairs

A Reason Must Be Substituted for Force

Twenty-Second Amendment

Taft-Hartley Act

Practical Peacetime Applications

Truman’s State of the Union Speech

The Rise of Civil Rights

Mendez et al. v. Westminister School District of Orange County et al.

Morgan v. Virginia (1946)

Report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)

Executive Order 9981

Southern Legislators Protest Proposed Anti-lynching Legislation


Chronological List

Web Resources
