Table of Contents: The United States at War

The Contents of The United States at War

Publisher’s Note


Revolutionary War: 1775–1783

Revolutionary War

Censorship During the Revolution

Women in the Revolutionary War

Campaigns, Battles, and Other Events

March, 1770: Boston Massacre

December, 1773: Boston Tea Party

April, 1775: Battles of Lexington and Concord

May, 1775: Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

June, 1775: Battle of Bunker Hill

December, 1775: Battle of Quebec

August, 1776: Battle of Long Island

September, 1776: Experiments in Submarine Warfare

October, 1776: Battle of White Plains

December, 1776: Battle of Trenton

January, 1777: Battle of Princeton

August, 1777: Battle of Oriskany Creek

September, 1777: Battle of Brandywine

October, 1777: Battle of Germantown

October, 1777: Battle of Saratoga

February, 1778: Franco-American Treaties

June, 1778: Battle of Monmouth

September-October, 1779: Siege of Savannah

April-May, 1780: Siege of Charleston

August, 1780: Battle of Camden

October, 1780: Battle of King’s Mountain

January, 1781: Battle of Cowpens

October, 1781: Surrender at Yorktown

September, 1783: Treaty of Paris

Further Reading

War of 1812: 1812–1814

War of 1812

Censorship During the War

Campaigns, Battles, and Other Events

September, 1813: Battle of Lake Erie

October, 1813: Battle of the Thames

September, 1814: Battle of Lake Champlain

September, 1814: Battle of Baltimore

January, 1815: Battle of New Orleans

February, 1815: Treaty of Ghent

Further Reading

Mexican War: 1846–1848

Mexican War

Censorship During the War

Campaigns, Battles, and Other Events

June, 1835-October, 1836: Texas Revolution

February-March, 1836: Battle of the Alamo

April, 1836: Battle of San Jacinto

June, 1846-January, 1847: Occupation of California and the Southwest

September, 1846: Battle of Monterrey

February, 1847: Battle of Buena Vista

April, 1847: Battle of Cerro Gordo

September, 1847: Siege of Chapultepec

February, 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Further Reading

Civil War: 1861–1865

Civil War

Weapons, Tactics, and Strategies


Censorship During the War

Justice During the War

U.S. Supreme Court During the War

Native American Combatants in the War

Women in the War

Campaigns, Battles, and Other Events

October, 1859: Harpers Ferry

April, 1861: Battle of Fort Sumter

July, 1861: First Battle of Bull Run

February, 1862: Battle of Fort Donelson

March, 1862: Monitor vs. Virginia

April, 1862: Battle of Shiloh

June-July, 1862: Seven Days’ Battles

August, 1862: Second Battle of Bull Run

September, 1862: Battle of Antietam

October, 1862: Battle of Corinth

December, 1862: Battle of Fredericksburg

May, 1863: Battle of Chancellorsville

July, 1863: Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg

September, 1863: Battle of Chickamauga

November, 1863: Battle of Chattanooga

May, 1864: Battle of the Wilderness

May, 1864: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

June, 1864: Battle of Cold Harbor

June, 1864-April, 1865: Siege of Petersburg

November, 1864-April, 1865: Sherman’s March to the Sea

December, 1864: Battle of Savannah

December, 1864: Battle of Nashville

April, 1865: Surrender at Appomattox

Further Reading

Spanish-American War: 1898

Spanish-American War

Censorship During the War

Campaigns, Battles and Other Events

July, 1898: Battle of San Juan/El Caney

February, 1899-July, 1902: Philippine Insurrection

Further Reading

World War I: 1914–1918

World War I

Weapons, Tactics, and Strategies

The Air War

Censorship During the War

Propaganda and Civil Liberties During the War

U.S. Supreme Court During the War

Women in the War

Campaigns, Battles, and Other Events

June, 1917: The Espionage Act

July, 1917: Mobilization

September, 1918: Battle of St. Mihiel

September-November, 1918: Meuse-Argonne Offensive

November, 1918: Postwar Demobilization

January, 1919-July, 1921: Treaty of Versailles

Further Reading