The Forest of the Hanged

Title: The Forest of the Hanged by Liviu Rebreanu

Author: Liviu Rebreanu
Publication Date: 1922
Genre: Historical Fiction
Page Length: 340 pages


The Forest of the Hanged is a compelling historical fiction novel written by Liviu Rebreanu in 1922. Set during World War I, the story revolves around the protagonist, Captain Apostol Bologa, as he faces conflicting loyalties, moral dilemmas, and the relentless weight of war.

The book is divided into four parts, each tracing significant phases of Captain Bologa’s journey.

Part 1:

The initial part introduces us to the central character, Captain Apostol Bologa, a dedicated officer in the Austro-Hungarian army. As the war escalates, Bologa finds himself torn between his loyalty to his country and his own beliefs. Raised in a patriotic Romanian family, he deepens his connection with his heritage while witnessing the oppression and brutality inflicted on his fellow Romanian soldiers. This internal struggle sets the stage for the challenging choices Bologa will face throughout the narrative.

Part 2:

After a brief leave, Bologa returns to the frontlines where he encounters two significant individuals. First is Lieutenant Rebreanu, whom Bologa sees as a kindred spirit due to his shared Romanian nationality. They discuss their conflicting emotions and the meaning of sacrifice amidst the chaos of war. Secondly, Bologa meets the enigmatic Corporal Marga, who showcases unwavering loyalty to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Despite their differences, a friendship develops between Bologa and Marga, although their connection is strained by opposing loyalties.

Part 3:

The third part delves deeper into the psychological and ideological struggle faced by Captain Bologa. His growing nationalistic sentiments drive him to enlist in the Romanian army secretly. Bologa desperately desires to join his fellow countrymen who have chosen to fight for Romanian independence. However, his secret collaboration places him in a treacherous and precarious position, as he risks being identified as a traitor if discovered. Bologa’s tumultuous journey raises moral questions about the price of loyalty, the inevitability of sacrifice during wartime, and the weight of personal convictions.

Part 4:

In the final part of the novel, Captain Bologa’s conflicting loyalties come to a head. His dual identity as both an Austro-Hungarian officer and a secret Romanian patriot clashes violently. The Romanian army captures Marga, and he is condemned to death for espionage. Bologa is torn between saving his friend or remaining loyal to his new cause. The narrative reaches its climax in the Forest of the Hanged, where the destinies of Bologa, Marga, and the questions of honor, nationalism, and sacrifice culminate.


The Forest of the Hanged explores several themes that resonate throughout the book. The struggle between loyalty and personal convictions portrays the complexities of wartime and the impact of an individual’s moral choices. The novel also delves into the suppression of national identity and the longing for independence, providing historical context and underscoring the collective sentiment of oppressed nations during World War I.


Liviu Rebreanu’s work holds historical and cultural significance as it reflects the impact of World War I on Romanian society. The Forest of the Hanged depicts the internal turmoil faced by individuals during war and the consequences of their choices. Through its historical lens, the book offers readers insights into the enduring fight for national identity and independence, which remain relevant topics even today.

In summary, The Forest of the Hanged is a thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of war, personal convictions, and national identity. Liviu Rebreanu paints a vivid portrayal of the struggles faced by Captain Bologa, showcasing the lasting impact of wartime experiences on the individual and society as a whole. This historical fiction novel serves as an important literary contribution, offering readers a deeper understanding of the profound effects of war on human lives.