The Street of Crocodiles

Title: The Street of Crocodiles

Author: Bruno Schulz

Publication Date: 1934

Genre: Surrealist fiction

The Street of Crocodiles, written by Bruno Schulz and published in 1934, is a surrealist fiction novel that immerses readers into a mesmerizing world of imagination and symbolism. Set in a small town in Poland during the early 20th century, the book paints a vivid picture of the protagonist’s childhood experiences and his interactions with a unique cast of characters living on a mysterious street.

With an approximate page length of 160 pages, The Street of Crocodiles is divided into four main sections or chapters, each taking the reader on a journey into the realms of fantasy, memory, and the subconscious. The following is a concise summary of each section:

Chapter 1: Tailors’ Dummies
In this opening chapter, readers are introduced to the narrator’s childhood surroundings, filled with an array of eccentric characters inhabiting a cluttered and decaying house. The protagonist’s father, a shopkeeper named Jacob, represents the oppressive and conservative forces of society. Meanwhile, his beloved but troubled mother, Adela, personifies artistic sensibility and the freedom of imagination. Throughout this chapter, Schulz skillfully blends reality and fantasy, depicting the transformation of the protagonist’s world into a dream-like, kinetic place.

Chapter 2: Cockroaches
Continuing from the previous chapter, the second section delves deeper into the protagonist’s domestic environment. Schulz explores the intricate relationships within the family, particularly focusing on the narrator’s complex connection with his father. As the decay of their household parallels the protagonist’s shifting perception of reality, Schulz incorporates vivid and surreal descriptions of swarms of cockroaches invading the house, symbolizing decay, chaos, and the subconscious mind.

Chapter 3: Tailors’ Apprentices
Unlike the previous chapters, this section transports readers into the narrator’s wandering through the city itself. The streets come to life with various characters, particularly the apprentices in a tailor shop. Schulz masterfully transforms even the most ordinary scenes into extraordinary ones, exploring themes of conformity and subversion. Through his encounters, the protagonist experiences a sense of enchantment and liberation, which further emphasizes the book’s themes of imagination and the transformative power of art.

Chapter 4: Birds
In the final chapter, birds become an important motif symbolizing the protagonist’s wish for freedom and escape. Schulz ventures deeper into the protagonist’s subconscious, where characters and events become increasingly distorted and dreamlike. The transformation of the narrator into a bird is a metaphorical representation of his longing for liberation and transcendence from societal constraints. Ultimately, the chapter concludes with a sense of acceptance, as the protagonist blends into the natural world, holding true to the book’s themes of imagination and the search for identity.

Throughout the novel, Schulz’s lyrical and descriptive language mesmerizes readers, skillfully conveying the complex themes and emotions. The characters, though eccentric, represent archetypes that can be found in any society, allowing readers to relate and empathize with the human experiences conveyed in the book. Furthermore, the exploration of the subconscious and the blurred lines between reality and fantasy serve as a compelling examination of the power of imagination and the human psyche.

The Street of Crocodiles is an important literary work that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling, establishing Schulz’s reputation as a master of artistic and poetic prose. The book invites readers to explore the depths of their own subconscious, challenging societal norms and embracing the fantastical aspects of life. It serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of imagination, the complexities of familial relationships, and the quest for personal freedom and identity.