Zap the Gaps

== “”Zap the Gaps! Target Higher Performance and Achieve It!”” ==
Copyright :By Ken Blanchard, Dana Robinson, and Jim Robinson Published by HarperCollins Publishers 2002 ISBN 0060503009

Summary In a nut shell

Characters : Angela Krafft results-oriented boss,Bill Ambers protagonist director of customer service in a call center,Sarah HR counterpart and mentor, Landscaper Michael St. Vincent
About :Identifying gaps that costs billions and their causes so as to dig right solutions > companies and persons have a lot of uniqueness in them like Plants or Trees or other living beings
Identify The Business Needs by asking “What is our reason for being?” Kill the problem at the first point of contact once and for all, by improving the capabilities to achieve peak performance all time in an empowering environment.
What would YOU need to ‘do more’, ‘do better’, or ‘do differently’ to compete with others like you.
Now Replace YOU with your team, or your company or your supplier or your customer.. you would have now got answers to all your questions
What you SHOULD be doing can be seen and learnt from the STAR performers in the field
When you want to know something., or when someone wants your advice., you should;
Greet and welcome whole heartedly. Ask openend questions for they yeild better quallity and quantity of requisite information . Listen fully and acknoweldge the issue on hand. Be Emphathetic to fit the emotions and feelings of the parties concerned. Refrain being argumentative or defensive or combative. Dont just react , respond measuredly. Identify the key expectations of counterparty and specify the deliverables that could be expected. Exhibit patience, promptnes ,accuracy, comprehensive solution. Apologize, and accept mistakes. Thank for the oppurtunity, express genuine gratitute
What ‘is’ is not as important as what ‘should’ be. What is external and internal to an organization affects its culture a lot But What is internal to a individual affect his permormce more so than any thing else !! The Skill Knowledge and Talent count!!! Pint down the actual issue causer that needs resolution
Expertise canbe gained fast but Experience has tobe earned over a period of time .Specialization do help for firefighting faster, but generalization facilitates handling any situation with ease Communications problem can be eaasily solved if there is a good network and rapport Availability of Adequte information helps in correct and timely decisions Clear expectations bring about rewarding performance. Choose the right mix of actions to solve the issue on hand.
:Self help