Chronological List

1945: Act of Chapultepec

1945: Executive Order 9547

1945: Preamble of the UN Charter

1945: Potsdam Agreement

1945: Statement by General MacArthur on the Occupation of Japan

1945: Reason Must Be Substituted for Force

1945: No Sacrificing of Basic Principles for Expediency

1945: Complete Integration of Military Operations

1945: Practical Peacetime Applications

1945: The World Needs the Tonic of Universal Truth

1945: Atomic Energy and International Trade

1945: No Country Fears a Strong America

1946: Mendez et al. v. Westminster School District of Orange County et al.

1946: Morgan v. Virginia (1946)

1946: Truman Statement on Immigration into Palestine

1947: Truman Doctrine Speech

1947: Executive Order 9835

1947: Twenty-Second Amendment

1947: Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover before the House Un-American Activities Committee

1947: Speech on the Marshall Plan

1947: Taft-Hartley Act

1947: “The Sources of Soviet Conduct”

1947: Nuremberg Code

1947: Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance

1947: Vyshinsky’s Speech to the UN General Assembly

1947: Ronald Reagan’s Testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee

1947: Testimony Regarding Communist Investigations

1947: Report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights

1948: Pact of Bogota

1948: Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)

1948: Executive Order 9981

1948: Establishment and Proceedings of the Tribunal

1948: Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

1949: Truman’s State of the Union Speech

1949: NATO Treaty

1949: Memorandum on Lifting the Soviet Blockade

1949: Address by Secretary Acheson, September 19, 1949

1949: Atomic Explosion in the USSR

1949: International Control of Atomic Energy

1950: Southern Legislators Protest Proposed Anti-lynching Legislation