City of Flowers

Title: City of Flowers
Author: David Lida
Genre: Fiction
Publication Date: 2019
Page Length: 272 pages

City of Flowers is a fictional book written by David Lida that highlights the lives of people living and working in Mexico City. The book covers various themes such as corruption, sexism, violence, and love relationships, making it an insightful read. The book exposes the underlying social issues in Mexico City, from its grandiose buildings to its lurking poverty and corruption.

The book is sectioned into different chapters, each of which covers different characters and sub-themes. The first chapter, titled “Alta Vista,” introduces us to several characters such as Ana, a successful married woman who is seeking validation in her work and personal relationships. She, later on, becomes romantically involved with Miguel, an artist that she met in a café. On the other hand, we meet Mario, a hotel worker who is struggling to make ends meet to cater to his family’s needs. He is in debt and desperate for a way out. We also meet Juan, a successful architect who is attending a wedding in one of the elites’ neighborhoods in the city. However, the high-end party is interrupted by gunfire, which leads to his acquaintance being shot.

The second chapter, titled “Guadalupe’s Secret,” introduces us to Guadalupe, a teacher who finds herself in an affair with one of her students. The chapter brings up the theme of sexism in the education system since male teachers are not punished for the same offense as their female counterparts. We are also introduced to the story of Juan’s family, where his wife, Silvia, discovers a secret about her husband that puts their marriage on the line. The third chapter, titled “An Honest Police Officer” introduces us to the police officer, Juan Morales, who is a rare honest cop in Mexico City’s corrupt police force. He is determined to fight against police brutality, bribery, and extortion, and his determination leads to his downfall.

The fourth chapter, titled “Sebastián and Blanca” introduces us to Blanca, a prostitute who is determined to make something out of her life despite her circumstances. She meets Sebastián, a successful lawyer, who is also a cocaine addict, and they fall in love. Sebastián is battling with his addiction, and the love story between him and Blanca unfolds this chapter. The fifth chapter, titled “Sol” introduces us to Sol, a woman who is struggling to accept her age and her life as an escort. As she meets different clients, she realizes she is not alone in her misery.

The book’s themes are highlighted throughout the chapters, with the characters’ lives bringing them out clearly. Corruption, which is rampant in Mexico City, is shown through characters such as the dishonest cops who prey on the citizens. Sexism is portrayed when Guadalupe’s affair is discovered, and she is ostracized while the male teacher is let scot-free. Violence, which is the norm in the city, is brought out clearly in the first chapter when the wedding is interrupted by gunfire. The book also highlights the double life that some people lead, where a wealthy man like Sebastián spirals out of control and ends up becoming a cocaine addict.

In conclusion, City of Flowers is a well-crafted book that exposes the city of Mexico in its true form. The author connects the dots between the underlying social issues such as corruption, sexism, and violence, showing just how omnipresent they are. The characters’ different lives blend into the themes, creating an insightful read for anyone interested in Mexico City’s history and current social issues. The book also serves as a reminder that while some individuals are struggling to make ends meet, others are living entirely different lifestyles, caught up in their own battles. David Lida has a unique writing style that keeps the reader interested in the characters portrayed in the book, which makes it an excellent read for students and anyone curious about Mexico’s social issues.