Lamb in His Bosom

Title: Lamb in His Bosom

Author: Caroline Miller

Publication Date: 1933

Genre: Historical fiction

Page Length: 329 pages

Lamb in His Bosom is a historical fiction novel written by Caroline Miller. It was published in 1933 and it is the story of a family living on a farm in Georgia during the 1800s. The novel portrays the life of a young southern woman, Nonie, who, through the course of the novel, becomes a mother and a widow and is forced to survive in a harsh world that is changing rapidly.

The novel is divided into three parts. The first part introduces us to Nonie and her family. Nonie is a young girl who is wild and free-spirited. She comes from a family of farmers and lives in a small house with her parents and younger brother. Her mother is a strict woman who believes in hard work and discipline, while her father is a kind and gentle man who is loved by everyone around him.

Nonie meets her future husband, Jody, at a corn-shucking party. Jody is a quiet and mysterious man who is immediately drawn to Nonie. Despite her mother’s warnings, Nonie marries Jody and moves with him to his own farm. Jody’s farm is larger and more successful than Nonie’s family farm, but he is a harsh and abusive husband who is prone to violence. Nonie struggles to survive on Jody’s farm, but eventually learns to take care of herself and her family.

The second part of the novel focuses on Nonie’s life after Jody’s death. She becomes a widow and is forced to take care of herself and her three children on her own. Nonie works hard to keep the farm running and provide for her family. She hires farmworkers to help her with the crops, but she is always struggling to make ends meet. Despite her hardships, Nonie remains strong and perseveres.

The third part of the novel is set during the Civil War. Georgia is in turmoil and many people are leaving their farms to join the Confederate Army. Nonie’s son is one of those who leave, leaving her with only her two daughters to help run the farm. Nonie is forced to deal with a lot of hardship and suffering during the war, but she remains strong and never gives up.

Throughout the novel, Miller portrays the harsh realities of life in the rural South during the 1800s. She portrays the struggles of women who are forced to live in a patriarchal society, where men are dominant and women are expected to be submissive. Miller also portrays the effects of the changing social and economic landscape of the South, as traditional plantation agriculture is replaced by small-scale farming.

One of the major themes of the novel is the importance of family. Nonie’s family is the center of her life, and she will do whatever it takes to protect them and keep them safe. She is willing to endure hardships and suffering for the sake of her family, and this dedication is something that is common among the other characters as well.

Another major theme of the novel is the importance of community. Nonie’s farm is located in a small community, where everyone knows everyone else. The community comes together to help each other in times of need, and this sense of community is something that is highlighted throughout the novel.

Overall, Lamb in His Bosom tells the story of a strong, independent woman who is forced to overcome a series of obstacles in order to provide for her family. It is a powerful and moving story that portrays the harsh realities of life in the rural South during the 1800s, while also highlighting the importance of family and community.