From Java to Ruby

From Java to Ruby
Things Every Manager Should Know
by Bruce Tate
copyright 2006 The Pragmatic Programmers LLC
Book Summary
by Paul Klipp
Table of Contents
From Java to Ruby …………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
Chapter 1 – Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………….3
New major programming languages emerge every decade:………………………………………….3
How to migrate to Ruby:…………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Chapter Two – Pain…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
What’s good about Java:………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Technical strengths of Java………………………………………………………………………………………4
What’s wrong with Java?………………………………………………………………………………………….4
EJB, XML, and Web Services…………………………………………………………………………………..4
Chapter Three – Establishing Your Reward…………………………………………………………………….6
The visionaries are a good measure of future trends:………………………………………………….6
Downloads are also a good measure of future trends:………………………………………………….6
Features of Ruby that increase productivity:……………………………………………………………….7
Ruby has something to offer all levels of developers:…………………………………………………..7
Adding Rails provides significant advantages for web-enables database applications:……..7
The larger implications of increased productivity…………………………………………………………7
Chapter Four – Pilot…………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Choosing the right pilot project is important………………………………………………………………..8
Build the team………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Types of pilots:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Chapter Five – On an Island…………………………………………………………………………………………8
Ruby is more than a scripting language. Even without Rails, it’s an excellent language for:8
Ruby’s Major Features (Core Libraries)……………………………………………………………………..9
Typical LAMP share-nothing architecture:………………………………………………………………….9
Ruby is good for LAMP because:………………………………………………………………………………9
A model of RAILS – illustrating that it consists of a suite of smaller frameworks…………….10
More about the main components of Rails………………………………………………………………..11
Chapter 6 – Bridges…………………………………………………………………………………………………..12
Integrating Java and Ruby Applications……………………………………………………………………12
Domain-Specific Lanugages…………………………………………………………………………………..13
Supporting Technology………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Service-Oriented Architectures……………………………………………………………………………….13
ReST (Representational State Transfer)…………………………………………………………………..14
Chapter 7 – Ramping Up…………………………………………………………………………………………….15
Rails Scheme Migrations………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Chapter 8 – Risk……………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
Chapter 1 – Introduction
New major programming languages emerge every decade:
Fortran 1954
Cobol 1961
C 1971
C++ 1983
Java 1996
We’re due for another.
Java is becomming too complex, with too many frameworks and poor J2EE performance.
It takes an explosion in popularity for a new language to generate the supporting community to convince pragmatists and conservatives to adopt it. Such an explosion is underway with Ruby.
Those who have made the switch to Ruby early will have a huge advantage over those who wait.
How to migrate to Ruby:
1. Identify what pains you about Java and gather information to demonstrate how Ruby will help.
2. Do a small test project in Ruby.
3. Deploy Ruby on a larger scale.
● the language could stagnate
● Ruby might not scale well
● the small Ruby community means limited 3rd party offerings
● Ruby is not as structured as Java and has less automation
Chapter Two – Pain
How painful is Java to you? If your programmers and clients are happy, then perhaps you shouldn’t change.
What’s good about Java:
● large community, easy to hire programmers and consultants
● thriving open source community
● mature, safe language
● proven scaleablity
● variety of standards and options
Technical strengths of Java
● Two-phase commit
● object-relational mapping – there is no mature Ruby framework for this.
● distributed objects – Java has more ways to manage distributed objects than Ruby.
Java is big and powerful – far too big and powerful to be the best solution for most database-driven web apps.
What’s wrong with Java?
● Lower Productivity
● Java copied some of C++’s problems as a trade off in order to attract C++ devs in the early days.
● -syntax – Java programs have 2-4 times as much code as Ruby programs
● -not purely object oriented – some elements are not objects
● -static-typing – more productive languages use “dynamic typing”
● longer code is harder to maintain
● Java devs most compile code often to test
● Java’s primatives are not object-oriented
● Productivity study:
● showed dynamic languages are more productive than Java or C or C++
A project has two kinds of complexity:
● essential complexity: an accounting system is at least as complex as accounting rules.
● accidental complexity: introduced complexity. Martin Fowler says that with Java, especially since the introduction
of EJB, accidental complexity is most of the total effort.
EJB, XML, and Web Services
EJB is far too complex for most applications.
Java devs embraced XML as an essential tool for managing data. Too much, in fact. Now XML is inseparable form Java, often used for configuration, business rules, to describe documents and messages, and to write programs. By solving one problem, XML introduces unnecessary complexity into Java development.
A proliferation of web services and frameworks introduces confusion. Each advance is significant. New APIs are much more efficient than SOAP. Frameworks like Spring and Hibernate are also a considerable improvement over EJB, but add to the complexity of working in Java.
This proliferation of APIs and frameworks is a symptom of an overly complex language.
One symptom is the overwhelming push to keep inexeperienced developers from making messing in Java projects.
Frameworks are too complex for most projects. You can create a lightweight Java application if you know Java, Servelets, Hibernate, Tapestry, and the tools: IDEA, Junit, CVS, Ant, and CruiseControl. Each of these takes weeks to learn and months to master and most have 800+ page books written about them.
It takes training, mentoring, and lots of mistakes to begin to code efficiently using this combination of tools.
Each too presents a steep learning curve even to experienced programmers. The move from JDBC to Hibernate or JDO can be very painful.
A new hire can take months to become productive and each new technology imposed on a project can set the whole team back weeks.
Java visionaries know Java is fading. Most consultants believe that Ruby is several times more productive than Java.
Ruby allows metaprogramming: programmers can easily extend Ruby, leading to compounding gains.
If you’re a Java shop, you ought to have a backup plan.
Chapter Three – Establishing Your Reward
The visionaries are a good measure of future trends:
Martin Fowler, Dave Thomas, Andy Hunt, James Duncan Davidson, Stewart Halloway, Justin Gehtland, David Geary, and
Richard Monson Haefel are all talking about and publishing their enthusiasm for Ruby.
Downloads are also a good measure of future trends:
Spring 280,787
Hibernate 520,061
Rails 500,205
-2006 download stats from Sourceforge and Rubyforge
Ruby and Rails downloads will soon overtake Java framework downloads.
There is a sudden growth in Ruby books being published and a decline in the sales of Java books according to Tim O’Reilly. – this blog chronicals the process of rewriting an enterprise Java application that originally took four months into Ruby. The rewrite took four days and demonstrated considerable performance improvements.
Several studies link lines of code to number of bugs and development time, as well as maintanence costs. More code = more cost and more bugs.
Here is an example from the book of code to print the fibonacci sequence written in Ruby and in Java:
Ruby Java
x, y = 0, 1
10.times do
puts y
x, y = y, x+y
class Fib {
public static void main (string args) {
int x = 0;
int y = 1;
int total = 1;
for (in i=0; i<10; i++) { system.out.println (total); total = x+y; x=y; y=total; } } } Not only does the Ruby application do the same thing with far fewer lines of code and more readable code, but left to run more than ten loops, the Java program would eventually start computing the wrong answers without throwing an exception because of integer overflow, while the Ruby program would automatically grow the number to a Bignum. The application migrated from Java to Ruby mentioned earlier yeilded these statistics: Metric Java Ruby Time (at .5 FTEs) 4 months 4 days Lines of code 3293 1164 Lines of configuration 1161 113 Reduced repetition and more concise notation lead to higher productivity and lower maintenance costs. Features of Ruby that increase productivity: ● Closures - Reduces repetition with groups of items ● Pure object-orientation - less to learn, less to code, easy to read ● Continuations - make better web servers. The next generation of web servers may well be written in Ruby. ● Optional Parameters - a hash map (single table of parameters) lets devs specify only those options needed. ● Open Classes - make it easier than Java to test and extend code. ● ObjectSpace - allows devs to enumerate all objects defined in an app which makes debugging easier and allows for easier impementation of certain algorythms. ● Freezing - locking an object makes it easier to catch bugs. ● Message passing and missing method - quickly add dynamic methods at run time. Ruby has something to offer all levels of developers: ● simple scripting for beginners and administrators ● Object-oriented programming for experienced developers ● advanced techniques like functional programming, metaprogramming, and domain-specific languages for advanced developers and architects. Adding Rails provides significant advantages for web-enables database applications: ● Convention over Configuration: drastically simplifies configuration ● Database strategy - rails discovers and adapts to the database structure ● provides excellent default values automatically ● rapid feedback - make a change and reload the browser. Java devs must compile, build, and deploy to see thier changes. ● Built-in testing - rails automatically creates default test cases and fixtures ● AJAX - the ease with which AJAX can be used in Ruby on Rails app greatly improves the user experience. Other languages provide some productivity improvement up front, such as PHP, Python, and Visual Basic, but none so much as Ruby and none that are so easy to maintain. Any productivity measure can't ignore maintainability. The larger implications of increased productivity Higher productivity means: ● smaller teams ● improved time to market ● more simultaneous projects ● less need for internal documentation ● These benefits combined can lead to exponential savings well in excess of lower development costs alone. Ease of use lowers training time and even novices can safely start adding value very quickly. The author estimates that he can train a novice Java dev Ruby on Rails roughly four times faster than teaching the same dev to build a web-enabled database application in Java. Chapter Four - Pilot Choosing the right pilot project is important. L T e ch n ic a l R is k H Difficult Learn more Learn more Bad if you fail Easy Low payback Success likely but less learned L Political Risk H Build the team The best pilot team has: ● some experience with dynamic languages ● small size ● freedom to experiment and make their own choices Types of pilots: ● Classic - difficult technology but low political risk. Ruby is choosen because Java is already failing. ● Trojan Horse - low risk (both technical and political). Dev builds a small stealth app to show abilities. ● Race - easy app with high political risk. Show how fast/easy/cheap it is to use Ruby for an important but simple project. Good for winning upper management support. ● Bet your Business - the 37signals approach. Just do it and hope it works. High political and technical risk. ● Rescue - save a floundering, high-risk, Java project using Ruby. Chapter Five - On an Island After a successful pilot, a next step might be the creation of "island"applications that require limited interaction with the outside world. Ruby is more than a scripting language. Even without Rails, it's an excellent language for: ● driving testing ● integrating enterprise applications ● working with text files ● using images ● building and accessing web services ● using middleware like LDAP ● working with databases ● better than Java for web development Ruby's Major Features (Core Libraries) ● Language Support - includes the most basic objects and the basic building blocks of the language: syntax, expressions, threads, decisions, loops ● Input/Output - Ruby's I/O borrows from Pearl and C to create an impressive libraryof features to access devices and other programs ● Data Munging - impressive assortment of text and data management includes high-level string support with regular expressions and templating and extensive math support. ● Communications - several libraries support TCP/IP, HTTP, SOAP, and other APIs. Also supported are several web development features such as CGI. ● Development Support - interactive interpreter is good for trying out ideas. Rake makes it easy to build projects. Unit testing, documentation, and benchmarking tools built in. Gems and setup are used to package and deploy code. ● User Interfaces - Not as extensive as those for Java or .Net, but you can use several cross-platform toolkits. ● security - encrypt files, test user input for dangerous code, lock down parts of the application. ● Integration - allows for integration to Microsoft tools, DLLs, and other languages such as C. As a scripting language, Ruby has all the features of Perl but with a cleaner design and more expressive syntax. Ruby is frequently associated with LAMP development strategies. Typical LAMP share-nothing architecture: Client Application Server Database Server browser Python, Perl, PHP or Ruby Fast CGI Apache or Lighttpd Linux or FreeBSD MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite Shared nothings make scaling easy by adding hardware. Each application can fulfill requests independantly. only a few layers, such as the database, are shared across a cluster. Most Ruby web applications use this approach. Ruby is good for LAMP because: ● it's open source ● it handles text very well ● it supports all of the necessary protocals ● Ruby is supported by Apache and Lighttpd and it has its own web server (Webrick) ● Ruby has very efficient database integration. LAMP is gaining recognition as a Java alternative. Stateless applications scale better, but they are hard to write. The app must be designed to manage state data itself. Web servers use stateless architectures. New Ruby frameworks are experimenting with a "continuation" feature to address this issue. Three such frameworks are: ● Wee - doesn't use Ruby continuations ● Borges - a port of the smalltalk coninuation server "seaside" ● Iowa - a framework started by the author of "seaside" These are still immature, but important to the future of apps in which state management is a problem. Rails is the only broadly-used Ruby framework. This focus gives Rails a huge productivity advantage over the many competing Java frameworks. Rails is a Ruby application framework for web applications connected to relational databases. It includes a suite of core frameworks: ● Active Record - performs all databsae access. Discovers fields and structure and adds some things automatically to your classes. ● Action Pack - handles presentation ● Action Mailer - handles email integration ● Prototype - uses AJAX for things like drag and drop ● Action Web Service - allows you to integrate Rails apps with other applications using other frameworks ● Ruby - Rails uses Ruby metaprogramming to make it esier to define database classes and for simpler configuration with Active Record. Rails also improves some of Ruby's core frameworks for working with HTML. A model of RAILS – illustrating that it consists of a suite of smaller frameworks More about the main components of Rails Active Record Traditionally when creating a database-driven application, you have to define the database and object model independently and then write some code to connect them. Active Record automatically discovers database fields and adds them to object. It just requires that the programmer stick to simple object naming conventions. An Active Record class might look like this: class Book