The Faith of Leap

“infobox Book”
name The Faith of Leap
orig title
author Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost
country United States
language English languageEnglish
classification Non-fiction
genre Missional Church/Disciples
publisher BakerBooks
release_date April 2011
media_type Paperback
pages 224
isbn ISBN 10: 0-8010-1415-8

In The Faith of Leap authors Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost challenge Christians to shake off the need for security and live a life of adventure that is inherent in a relationship with God. Hirsch, the founding director of Forge Mission Training Network, and Frost, a Baptist minister and vice principal of Morling College (Sydney, Australia), detail how the church must embrace risk and adventure in order to move into true community and reach others effectively.
In the book, the authors allege that the Western church as we know it is in a state of decline, due in part to the idol of stability and security among its members. They invite the church to become transformed through engaging in risk and adventure, entering what they term “liminal” experiences, a threshold position where disorientation is experienced and the nature of relationships are restructured and people enter into true community with one another. It is not “safe” church, per se, but one where communities are reached as never before and people experience deep communion with one another.
The authors also discuss how churches can cultivate and achieve this missional approach and its resulting effects on discipleship, spirituality and leadership.

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