Web Sites

An annotated list of web sites useful in the further study of weapons and warfare.

  • The AK Site.


    Affiliated with: Military Parade magazine

    Contains detailed specifications and history of the development of the Kalashnikov rifle, in all of its variants the most widely adopted infantry weapon of the late twentieth century.

  • American Battle Monuments Commission.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Contains information on all American military personnel who died in World War I or World War II, and all foreign cemeteries where they are buried.

  • Arador Armour Library.


    Affiliated with: Sword Forum magazine

    In addition to discussion forums on arms and armor, this site features photographic galleries from many of the world’s leading military museums, as well as detailed discussions on the manufacture and use of armor throughout history.

  • Arms and Armor Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


    Affiliated with: Metropolitan Museum of Art

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the world’s leading collections of military equipment, and this site presents an online version of a growing percentage of the museum’s collection of arms and armor, focusing on Europe and Japan but with some representation from other regions.

  • Army Technology.


    Affiliated with: Net Sources International

    Provides current information about modern military equipment used by the armies of the world, including tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, missiles, and helicopters.

  • Australian War Memorial.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Contains photographs and reports, as well as vast array of genealogical information on Australians in World War I, World War II, and other conflicts.

  • The Aviation History On-line Museum.


    Affiliated with: Aviation Internet Group

    Details the history of civilian and military aircraft and includes text and photographic galleries primarily for U.S. engines, armaments, and aircraft, as well as discussions of avionics and the theory of flight.

  • British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Contains details on Britons and others from the British Empire who are buried in India and other parts of Asia, including much on soldiers and monuments in the region.

  • Center for Arms Control, Energy, and Environmental Studies.


    Affiliated with: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

    Focuses on arms control connected with the various phases of the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), beginning in 1986, between the United States and the Soviet Union, and details the ongoing nuclear capabilities of the two powers as well as the technical specifications for their arsenals.

  • Chemical and Biological Weapons Site.


    Affiliated with: Center for Defense Information

    Presents an examination of the current chemical and biological capabilities of major nations and rogue states, as well as details about the effects of chemical and biological weapons on military and civilian populations.

  • Commonwealth War Graves Commission.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Contains details on the war graves maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, including details on all service personnel from the British Empire killed in World War I or World War II.

  • Documents in Military History.


    Affiliated with: Hillsdale College

    This primary source site contains more than three hundred documents on military history from ancient times to the modern era, including land, sea, and air campaigns. Although its focus is not primarily on military technology, many of the documents do discuss weapons, armor, and fortifications.

  • First Empire.


    Affiliated with: First Empire magazine

    Established by the leading magazine about the Napoleonic period, this site contains a number of sample articles from the magazine.

  • The French Army Museum.


    Affiliated with: Government of France

    Home of Le Musée de l’Armée, Hôtel National des Invalides, this site contains extensive selections from the holdings of the museum. Much of the focus is on the Napoleonic Era and World Wars I and II, although there are important images and texts from France’s colonial history as well. Much of the collection is in French.

  • The Geometry of War.


    Affiliated with: Oxford University

    Applies and interprets geometry in its military application to Renaissance warfare. These applications include cartography, gunnery, and ballistics. Based on an exhibition at Oxford University.

  • The High Energy Weapons Archive: A Guide to Nuclear Weapons.


    Affiliated with: Federation of American Scientists

    Dedicated to nonproliferation and disarmament, this site provides extensive detail on the history, capabilities, and spread of nuclear weapons and technology over the past decades.

  • History and Archaeology of the Ship.


    Affiliated with: Department of History and Welsh History, University of Wales, Bangor

    An outlined history of military and commercial ships, from ancient vessels to early modern galleys, this site focuses on archaeological evidence to account for changes in technology and military applications.

  • The History Channel.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Provides links to previous History Channel programs on military equipment and conflicts, as well as to book and video resources. The site also contains a detailed time line of history from 500 b.c.e. to the present, which includes many events of military significance.

  • The History Net.


    Affiliated with: Primedia History Group

    Primedia is a publisher of a variety of military history journals, and this site features articles and source material from these periodicals, as well as additional materials on weapons and warfare from all periods of history.

  • Imperial War Museum.


    Affiliated with: Government of the United Kingdom

    Contains representative text, photographic, and image collections from the holdings of the museum, taken primarily from British and Commonwealth military history.

  • Jane’s Defense Information.


    Affiliated with: Jane’s Information Group

    Provides extensive information about military equipment, contractors, arms purchases, weapons specifications, and intelligence about world events. Jane’s is the world’s leading private consulting group on military affairs and publishes standard works on military hardware.

  • Land Forces of Britain, the Empire, and Commonwealth.


    Affiliated with: T. F. Mills, University of Denver

    Provides detailed information about the historical structure, military equipment, weapons, personnel, and campaigns of the armed forces of the United Kingdom and its associated territories.

  • MagWeb.


    Affiliated with: Network Solutions

    This subscription site contains thousands of articles from military and war-gaming magazines from around the world.



    Affiliated with: Same

    This open-source intelligence site provides current information about the military forces of the world, including their equipment, interests, and rivals, with particular focus on those of the United States. Areas of military technology covered include ground forces, military aviation, space-based weapons, intelligence capabilities, and naval warships.

  • Museum of Antiquities.


    Affiliated with: Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne

    This museum of archaeology in northeast England concentrates on the Roman era in Britain. In the collection are photographs of Roman weapons, fortifications, and armor, along with a virtual book on Roman military equipment.

  • Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.


    Affiliated with: University of Pennsylvania

    Contains a text discussion of warfare in the lives of the ancient Greeks as well as photographs of Greek artifacts of war and representations of combat in artistic forms, taken from the museum’s collection. Relevant sections of the online museum include warfare, hunting, chariots, horses, and daily life.

  • Napoleon.


    Affiliated with: Napoleon Foundation, Paris, France

    Provides detail about the military campaigns of Napoleon I (Bonaparte) and Napoleon III through extensive image and text databases.

  • National Atomic Museum.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Air Force

    Provides image and text representations of the U.S. nuclear weapons program, including information about the Manhattan Project, the Cold War arms race, and the history of disarmament efforts.

  • Naval Historical Center.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Navy

    Provides image and photographic galleries, technical specifications, and the history of naval campaigns of the U.S. Navy since the American Revolutionary War.

  • Nihon Kaigun: Imperial Japanese Navy Page.


    Affiliated with: Jon Parshall, independent researcher

    Based on years of research into the history of the Japanese navy, this site includes detailed representations of the armaments and equipment of Japan’s air and sea forces of World War II. In addition, it provides operational histories of major Japanese vessels during the war and thorough discussions of ballistics, ship armor, and other technical areas, as well as details of both major and minor naval campaigns.

  • Official History of New Zealand.


    Affiliated with: New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs and Victoria University of Wellington

    Provides the official history of New Zealand in World War II.

  • Photos of the Great War.


    Affiliated with: University of Kansas and Brigham Young University

    This photographic database includes almost two thousand images of World War I, mostly from U.S. sources. Main areas of focus include weapons, equipment, military aviation, animals at war, and naval campaigns. Features include liberal rules for using images, as well as an accompanying link to a World War I text site.

  • Redstone Arsenal Historical Information.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Army

    Provides historical, photographic, and technical information about U.S. military capabilities in space and about missile technology since World War II.

  • Regia Anglorum.


    Affiliated with: Same

    This living-history site includes photographs, descriptions, and illustrations of Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman, and British weapons, armor, and daily life from the period from 950 to 1066.

  • Royal Museum of the Army and Military History.


    Affiliated with: Government of Belgium

    The Royal Museum of the Army and Military History contains more than ten centuries of texts and artifacts from Belgian and world military history, and its Web site includes online exhibitions of main galleries and holdings, as well as a text and image database.

  • Springfield Armory National Historic Site.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Park Service

    The Springfield Armory, a National Historic Site, was for almost two hundred years a critical manufacturer of weapons for the U.S. military. Its online site demonstrates most of the equipment produced during the history of the armory, and its archive contains more than twenty-five thousand documents.

  • A Storm of Shot and Shell: Weapons of the Civil War.


    Affiliated with: Chicago Public Library

    This exhibit presents photographs, engravings, and illustrations of weapons of the American Civil War, taken from the collection of the library and including artillery, ammunition, and small arms.

  • Strategic Air Command Museum.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Air Force

    Contains an online exhibit of the bomber aircraft and other equipment used by the Air Force, as well as a virtual reality tour of the museum. The museum also features special exhibitions online, on a rotating basis.

  • The Tank Museum.


    Affiliated with: Same

    This online museum for the Tank Museum of Bovington in the United Kingdom presents some of the collection from the actual museum, which contains more than three hundred tanks and armored fighting vehicles from more than twenty-five countries. In addition to photographs and illustrations, the site has detailed technical information for an increasing portion of its collection.

  • Trenches on the Web: An Internet History of the Great War.


    Affiliated with: History Channel Affiliate Program

    Provides images, documents, maps, and other material about World War I. Also contains a book-search engine, discussion forums, poster sales, and extensive links to other sites.

  • U.S. Air Force Museum.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Air Force

    This online presence of the U.S. Air Force Museum has special image collections, taken from the holdings of the Air Force, and is especially strong in the areas of aircraft weaponry, fighter and bomber engines, and ground equipment.

  • U.S. Army Ordnance Museum.


    Affiliated with: U.S. Army

    The museum contains more than eight thousand artifacts, with the online collection focused on photographs and technical specifications primarily for U.S. tanks, armored fighting vehicles, and artillery.

  • U.S. Civil War Navies.


    Affiliated with: Terry Foenander, military historian

    This site has a vast array of material on the Union and Confederate navies in the American Civil War.

  • War, Peace, and Security.


    Affiliated with: Information Resource Centre, Canadian Forces College

    A detailed site, organized by period, subject, and conflict, with links to archives, photograph galleries, texts, and other resources from the ancient era to the late twentieth century.

  • The War Times Journal.


    Affiliated with: Same

    Provides extensive archival information, photographs, and other materials about warfare from the Napoleonic era to World War II. Also contains an extensive collection of articles about conflicts in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as war-gaming information and hundreds of links to other military history sites.

  • Warfare in the Ancient World.


    Affiliated with: Department of History, Florida International University

    The focus of this site is on Greek, Roman, and Byzantine warfare, with sections devoted to bibliographies of specific as well as comparative weaponry, fortifications, and other areas of military technology.

  • Web Sources for Military History.


    Affiliated with: Richard Jensen, University of Illinois, with support from the Gilder-Lehrman Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Japan Foundation, and the Luce Foundation

    Provides a bibliography and extensive Web links to hundreds of military history and technology sites, especially those dealing with the modern era.

  • World War II Armed Forces Orders of Battle and Organizations.


    Affiliated with: Dr. Leo Niehorster, independent military historian and publisher

    Thoroughly details the equipment, weapons, personnel, and campaigns of nearly all military forces involved in World War II down to the company level.