Chronological List

1836: On Texas Independence

1842: A Foreigner in My Own Land

1844: The Fremont Expedition Across the Sierra Nevada Range

1844: Across the Plains in 1844

1845: Mexican Denunciations of the United States

1847: Donner Party Diary

1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

1848: The Discovery of Gold in California

1849: A Woman’s Trip across the Plains

1852: A Chinese American Protest

1854: People v. Hall

1855: On Seizing Land from Native Californians

1861: On Being a Pony Express Rider

1864: Accounts of the Sand Creek Massacre

1865: Trouble on the Paiute Reservation

1867: The Alaska Purchase

1868: Treaty of Fort Laramie

1868: Status Report on the Condition of the Navajos

1869: Observations Regarding the Transcontinental Railroad

1869: From Canyons of the Colorado

1870: Jesse James in His Own Defense

1872: The Establishment of Yellowstone National Park

1876: Accounts of the Battle of Little Bighorn

1879: Speech by Chief Joseph on a Visit to Washington, DC.

1879: On Billy the Kid

1881: Shootout at the O.K. Corral

1881: President Chester Arthur: Indian Policy Reform

1882: The Chinese Exclusion Act

1883: Walt Whitman:The Spanish Element in Our Nationality

1886: The Surrender of Geronimo

1886: Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show

1887: The Dawes Act

1888: Theodore Roosevelt in Cowboy-land

1889: Wovoka: The Messiah Letter

1889: A Scout with the Buffalo Soldiers

1889: The Rush to Oklahoma

1889: The Extermination of the American Bison

1890: The Ghost Dance Among the Lakota

1890: Mormon Disavowal of Plural Marriage

1890: Features of the Proposed Yosemite National Park

1890: Eyewitness to the Massacre at Wounded Knee

1891: Lakota Accounts of the Massacre at Wounded Knee

1893: The Significance of the Frontier in American History

1898: The March of the Flag

1900: Letters to John Muir