Chronological List

1850: Speeches for and Against the Compromise of 1850

1854: Speech Against the Kansas-Nebraska Act

1857: The Dred Scott Decision

1858: Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided Speech

1858: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

1859: Speech to the Court that Sentenced Him to Death

1860: Cooper Union Address

1860; 1861: South Carolina Declaration of Immediate Causes; Georgia Declaration of Causes of Secession

1861: Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address

1861: The Cornerstone of the Confederacy

1861: The Chicago Tribune: “Help from England”

1861: Special Message to Congress: Habeas Corpus

1861: Presidential Proclamations on Blockade and Commercial Trade No. 81, No. 82, and No. 86

1861: Jefferson Davis’ Address to the Confederate Congress

1861–62: General Burnside’s Army and the Roanoke Island Freedmen’s Colony

1861; 1862: The Confiscation Acts

1862: Speech on the Trent Affair

1862: Jefferson Davis’ Inaugural Address as Elected President of the Confederacy

1862: Letters of a Transport Nurse

1862: Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the Suppression of the Slave Trade (Lyons-Seward Treaty of 1862)

1862: Exchange of Letters between Horace Greeley and Abraham Lincoln

1862–63: “The Shadows Are Darkening… Jackson Is Certainly Dead”

1863: Habeas Corpus Suspension Act

1863: General Orders No. 100: Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field

1863: Captain Richard W. Burt on the Siege of Vicksburg

1863: Letters from the Vicksburg Campaign

1863: The Draft Riots

1863: Gettysburg Address

1863: “The Conclusion of the Battle of Gettysburg”

1863: The Emancipation Proclamation

1863: War Department General Order 143

1863: “Men of Color, To Arms!”

1863–65: “There Has Been a Great Deal of Sickness in My Neighborhood”

1863; 1865: Reception to the Enlistment of Black Soldiers

1864: Hard War

1864: Governor’s Message on the Suspension of Writ of Habeas Corpus to the General Assembly of North Carolina

1864: President Abraham Lincoln’s Blind Memorandum

1864: On Blockade Duty: Letters from a Lieutenant on the USS Gettysburg

1864: “The Most Terrible Sight I Ever Saw”

1864: The Military Hospitals in Washington

1864: General Patrick Cleburne Proposes Black Soldiers for the Confederacy

1864: Jefferson Davis on the Employment of Slaves

1864-1865: War Diary: Marching Through the Stronghold of Secession

1865: “Luxuries Have Been Given Up Long Ago”

1865: Abraham Lincoln’s Last Public Address

1865: Walt Whitman: Military Hospitals

1865: “The Shattered Remains of Lee’s Army”

1865: “Conquered, Submission, Subjugation”

1865: General Sherman Interviews the Freedmen Ministers in Savannah

1865: Special Field Order No. 15: Forty Acres and a Mule

1865: General Lee of Black Confederate Soldiers

1865: An Act to Increase the Military Force of the Confederate States

1865: Prospects of the Freedmen of Hilton Head

1865-1886: Selections of Black Codes in the South

1866: 39th Congress: Freedmen’s Bureau Bill

1866: Ex Parte Milligan

1866: Letters from Louisiana

1867: Reconstruction Acts of 1867

1868; 1870: Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution

1868: House of Representatives: Articles of Impeachment

1870: A Contested Election: Report to Congress on the Activities of the Ku Klux Klan

1870: Letter to Senator Joseph C. Abbott on the Ku Klux Klan

1870: “The North Owes the Colored Race a Deep Obligation”

1876: Frederick Douglass: Freedmen’s Monument Speech

1876: Ulysses S. Grant: Letter to Daniel H. Chamberlain

1874: United States vs. Cruikshank

1917: Henry Sheperd’s Narrative of Prison Life