Chronological List

1803: Louisiana Purchase Treaty 125

1805: Red Jacket’s Speech to Reverend Jacob Cram 644

1805: The Journals of Lewis and Clark 135

1808: The Kentucky Revival; or, A Short History of the Late Extraordinary Out-Pouring of the Spirit of God 539

1808: An Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade 373

1808: A Thanksgiving Sermon on Abolition of the Slave Trade 381

1809: Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington 549

1809: We Love the Land That Covers the Bones of Our Fathers 648

1810; 1813: Tecumseh’s Speeches to Governor William Harrison and General Henry Procter 625

1813: Speech in Congress on the War of 1812 3

1818: Editorial on Ethnic Colonies in Alabama and Illinois 534

1818: “Observations on the Real Rights of Women” 233

1819: McCulloch v. Maryland 13

1819: Oration before the Shamrock Friendly Association 447

1819: A Plan for Improving Female Education 242

1821: Condition of Women 252

1823: The Monroe Doctrine 23

1824: Gibbons v. Ogden 32

1828: The Nature and Occasions of Intemperance 262

1829: David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World 436

1829: Memorial of the Cherokee Nation 654

1829: On the Description of Persons to Whom Emigration Would Be Most Beneficial 530

1829: The Rights of Man to Property 360

1830: Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable 50

1830: President Andrew Jackson’s Message to Congress “On Indian Removal” 41

1830: Spiritual Freedom 559

1831: Cherokee Nation v. Georgia 60

1831: The Confessions of Nat Turner 389

1833: Address Delivered before the General Trades’ Union of the City of New York 270

1833: An Indian’s Looking Glass for the White Man 634

1833: Message to the Senate and House Regarding South Carolina’s Nullification Ordinance 119

1834: Resolutions of the Treaty Party 651

1835: Lectures on Revivals of Religion 567

1835; 1840: Democracy in America 457

1836: On Texan Independence 155

1837: Petition to the US Congress Regarding the Great Influx of Roman Catholics 577

1837: The Sphere of Woman and Man as Moral Beings the Same 288

1837–41: The Colored American 468

1838: Address on the Present Condition and Prospects of Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America 657

1839: The Voice of Warning to the Native-Born Patriots of Our Country 521

1840: California and Its Inhabitants 145

1840: Colored Churches in This City 595

1840: I Believe in the Divinity of Labor 586

1841: Self-Reliance 298

1842: A Foreigner in My Own Land 164

1842: Plan of the West Roxbury Community 604

1843: The Great Lawsuit: Man versus Men, Woman versus Women 308

1844: Across the Plains in 1844 174

1844: Manifesto of Robert Owen 319

1845: Declaration of Principles of the Native American Convention 477

1845: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 398

1846; 1848: The Education of Free Men 364

1848: Address to the First Women’s Rights Convention, July 19, 1848 329

1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 183

1849: Resistance to Civil Government 339

1849: A Woman’s Trip across the Plains 486

1850: Compromise of 1850 81

1850: An Emigrant’s Narrative; or, A Voice from the Steerage 495

1850: Fugitive Slave Act 70

1850: Narrative of Sojourner Truth 408

1850: Present at the Beginning of the Gold Rush 219

1852: A Chinese American Protest 505

1852: Uncle Tom’s Cabin 418

1853: Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northup 427

1854: People v. Hall 193

1855: Germans in America Are on the Rise 513

1855: On Seizing Land from Native Californians 202

1856: General Remarks on the State of Theological Opinion in America 613

1856: The New “Democratic” Doctrine 368

1856: Progress and Extent of Immigration Prior to 1819 525

1857: The Discovery of Gold in California 210

1857: Dred Scott v. Sandford 89

1857: Regarding Oregon Statehood 223

1858: I Will Sink or Swim with My Race 440

1858: Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech 99

1858: On the Irrepressible Conflict 109

1859: Compelled to Sell, Little by Little 227

1859: The Trial of John Brown 350

1898; 1836: Lowell Mill Girls 279