

abolition, 78

abolitionism, 110, 373, 398–399, 434, 468–475, 595–596, 600–601; religion and, 373, 377–379; women’s movement and, 334

abolitionist literature, 431

Across the Plains in 1844 (Pringle), 174–181

“Address Delivered before the General Trades’ Union of the City of New York” (Moore), 270–277

Address on the Present Condition and Prospects of Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America (Pierce), 657

“Address to the First Women’s Rights Convention” (Stanton), 329–337

African Americans; attitudes toward, 463; newspapers, 374, 468–475, 595, 596, 600–601; religion, 378, 595

African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, 382

African Methodist Episcopal Church, 378

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 374, 595

Alamo, Battle of, 160

Allen, Richard, 382

American Anti-Slavery Society, 293, 374

American Colonization Society, 293, 374, 423

American Indians, 170, 634–642; attitudes toward, 463; California, 150–152; “civilization” initiative, 60; Lewis and Clark and, 140–142; Louisiana Territory, 131; Mexican Cession and, 190; sovereignty, 65–67; US policy, 41–48

American Party. See Know-Nothing Party

American Progress (painting), 169

Amistad, 601

Anthony, Susan B., 329

Antiburghers, 550

anti-Catholicism, 577–584

Apess, William, 634–642

Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World (Walker), 436

Appleton, Nathan, 283

Asing, Norman, 505–506

Auld, Thomas, 403–405

Austin, Stephen F., 155–156


Baird, Robert, 613–614

Ballou, Adin, 592

Bank of the United States, First, 18

Bank of the United States, Second, 13–21, 90

Baptists, 619

Barbé-Marbois, François, 126, 130

Beecher, Catharine, 289, 293–295

Beecher, Lyman, 262–263, 419

Bigler, John, 505

black churches. See African Americans:religion, African Methodist Episcopal Church

bodily exercises, 539, 540, 544–546

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 125

Boudinot, Elias, 651

Bowie, James, 160

Brannan, Sam, 215

Britain; relations with Ireland, 452

Bromwell, William J., 525

Brook Farm, 586–593, 604, 608–611

Brown, John, 350–358

Brownlee, W. C., 577

Brownstown, Battle of, 8

Buchanan, James, 89, 105

buffalo, 180

Buffum, Edward Gould, 219

Burke, Edmund, 259


California; gold rush, 193, 210–217, 506; history, 145–151, 203, 210–211, 215–216; Mexican, 150; Spanish, 150; statehood, 82, 84, 216

“California and Its Inhabitants” (Dana), 145–153

Calvinism, 567, 571

Campbell, Alexander, 550

Campbell, Thomas, 549–550

Cane Ridge revival, 539, 540, 546

capitalism, 207

Catholicism. See Roman Catholicism

Channing, William Ellery, 559–565, 586

Cherokee Nation, 44, 60–61, 65–67; petition to Congress, 654

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), 45, 60–68

Chicano movement, 208

Chickasaws, 44

“Chinese American Protest, A” (Asing), 505–511

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 217, 511

Chinese immigrants; racial attitudes, 199, 510

Choctaws, 44

Christian Association of Washington, 549, 553

Christian evangelism, 614

Christianity; and slavery, 373, 475, 572–573; sects, 618–621; women and, 293–294

Christian perfection, 574

Christian primitivism. See restorationism

Cinqué, Joseph, 601

citizenship; Mexican Cession and, 190

“Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau). See Resistance to Civil Government” (Thoreau)

Civil War, 96, 107, 117

Clark, William, 135, 136

Clay, Henry, 3, 4, 81–87

clothing, gender differences, 335

Coasting Act (1793), 37

Cobbett, William, 530

colonization option, 423–424

Colored American (periodical), 468–475, 595–601

“Colored Churches in This City” (Ray), 595–601

commerce, 38

communes. See utopianism

“Compelled to Sell, Little by Little” (Pico), 227

Compromise of 1850, 70, 71, 81–87, 89, 109, 216, 432

“Condition of Women” (Wright), 252–260

Confessions of Nat Turner, The, 389–397

Connaught, Ireland, 453

Constitution of the United States, 13–21, 90–97; Commerce Clause, 37; Necessary and Proper Clause, 13, 19–20; ratification of, 19

conversion narratives, 640

Cornish, Samuel Eli, 468, 469

Creeks. See Muskogees

Crocker, Hannah Mather, 233–240

Curry, George L., 223


Daily Alta California (newspaper), 506

Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 145–146

Declaration and Address (Campbell), 549–557

Declaration of Principles of the Native American Convention, 477–484

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions (Stanton), 329

de la Guerra, Pablo, 202–204

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 457

Democratic Party, 116

Detroit, Seige of, 8

Dial (periodical), 300, 309, 587

Disciples of Christ, 540, 556

“Discovery of Gold in California, The” (Sutter), 210–217

domestic dependent nations, 66

Douglass, Frederick, 398–406, 424

Douglas, Stephen, 99–100, 105, 106

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 89–97, 100, 105–106


“Early Factory Labor in New England” (Robinson), 279, 283, 285

“Editorial on Ethnic Colonies in Alabama and Illinois” (Niles), 534

educational reform, 325–326, 327, 605

“Education of Free Men, The” (Mann), 364

emancipation; gradual, 408, 427, 595

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 298–306, 308, 339, 587, 590, 592; biography, 299–300

Emigrant’s Narrative; or, A Voice from the Steerage, An (Smith), 495–503

Emmet, Robert, 453

Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism, with Reference to the Duty of American Females (Beecher), 293

evangelical faiths, 613. See also nonevangelical faiths


federal rights; debate, 19, 55–58

Federal Street Congregational Church, Boston, 560

Finney, Charles G., 567–568

First Bank of the United States. See Bank of the United States, First

Five Civilized Tribes, 44

food and cooking, 492

“Foreigner in My Own Land, A” (Seguín), 164–172

Founding Fathers; slavery and, 115

France; history of, 457

free black press, 474

free blacks; and colonization, 423–424; kidnapping of, 427, 431–434; legal status, 427, 595

freedom of religion; Christian unity and, 555

Freedom’s Journal (periodical), 374

Freemasonry, 234, 238

frontier thesis, 203

Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 70–79, 86, 89, 419

Fuller, Margaret, 308–317

Fulton, Robert, 32–33


Gabriel’s Conspiracy, 464

Gadsden Purchase, 188

Gandhi, Mahatma, 347

gender roles and relations, 237–240, 257–259, 422

“General Remarks on the State of Theological Opinion in America”, 613–621

General Trades’ Union, 270–277

George III of Great Britain, 453

George Washington Gómez (Paredes), 171–172

Georgia, 67

“Germans in America Are on the Rise” (Weitz), 513–519

Gibbons, Thomas, 33–37

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), 32–39

Gilbert, Olive, 409

Gnadenhutten massacre, 630

gold rush, 486

Graham, Sylvester, 267

Gray, Thomas Ruffin, 389, 390

Great Awakening, First, 613

Great Awakening, Second, 262–263, 378, 539, 546, 559, 567, 613

“Great Lawsuit, The” (Fuller), 308–317

Great Revival, 544

Grimké, Angelina, 288, 289–296

Grimké, Sarah, 289

Guerra, Pablo de la. See de la Guerra, Pablo


Haiti, 253

Hall, George, 193, 194

hardtack, 179

Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 350

Harris, George (Uncle Tom’s Cabin), 424

Harrison, William Henry, 625–631, 632

Haun, Catherine, 486–487, 491–493

Hayne, Robert Y., 50, 55–56

Hayne-Webster debate. See Webster-Hayne debate

health and medicine, 492

holiness theology. See Christian perfection

Holy Alliance, 29

Hopkinson, Joseph, 18

Hopkins, Samuel, 560

Houston, Sam, 165

human nature, 275


“I Believe in the Divinity of Labor” (Ripley), 586–593

immigrants; assimilation of, 518; difficulties faced by, 513; violence against, 517

immigration, 11, 477–478, 481–483; Chinese, 193–194, 217, 505; European, 495, 502, 516; German, 517–518; Irish, 447–455, 499; Roman Catholic, 577–584; transatlantic crossing, 495–496, 499–502

impressment, 9–10

Indian Removal Act (1830), 41–42, 44, 67

“Indian’s Looking Glass for the White Man, An” (Apess), 634–642

Indian Territory, 42, 44, 47

Industrial Revolution, 271, 283, 339, 514–519

intemperance, 267

Ireland; famine, 448, 455; history, 447, 452–454

Irish aid organizations, 448–452

Irish independence, 454

“I Will Sink or Swim with My Race” (Rock), 440


Jackson, Andrew, 119; biography, 42; message to Congress on Indian removal, 41–48; message to the Senate and House regarding South Carolina’s Nullification Ordinance, 119; Supreme Court and, 65, 67

Jay Treaty, 3

Jefferson, Thomas, 125, 126, 129–130

Jones, Absalom, 381, 382

Jones, Walter, 18

Journals of Lewis and Clark, The, 135–143


Kansas-Nebraska Act, 47, 100, 105

Kentucky, 544

Kentucky Revival, The (McNemar), 539–547

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 347

Know-Nothing Party, 194, 477, 478, 513


La Amistad. See Amistad

labor movement, 270–277, 284–285

labor reform, 327

Lai Chun-Chen, 199

land grants; Mexican Cession, 190

Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery, The (McNemar), 539

Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Finney), 567–575

Lemoine, Stephen P., 447, 452–455

Lewis and Clark expedition, 135–143

Lewis, Meriwether, 135, 136

Liberia, 423

“Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable” (Webster), 50–58

Lincoln, Abraham, 418; biography, 100; “House Divided” speech, 99–107

Lincoln-Douglas debates, 107

Ling Sing, 194

Livingston-Fulton steamboat monopoly, 32–39

Livingston, Robert R., 32–33, 125, 130

Loom and Spindle (Robinson), 279–285

Louisiana Native American Association, 521

Louisiana Purchase, 135

Louisiana Purchase Treaty, 125–133

Lowell, Francis Cabot, 283

Lowell, Massachusetts, 283–285

Lowell Mill Girls, 279–286

Lowell Offering (magazine), 280


Manifesto of Robert Owen (Owen), 319–327

Mann, Horace, 364

Marshall, James W., 214

Marshall, John, 13, 14, 32, 33, 37–39, 60, 61, 90

Martin, Luther, 18

Maryland; slavery, 402

Mather, Cotton, 475

McCulloch v. Maryland, 13–21

McNemar, Richard, 539–540

medicine and health, 492

“Memorial of James P. Miller and 96 Other Electors” (Miller), 578

Mexican Americans, 203, 206–208; citizenship, 190

Mexican-American War, 183–191, 340, 344

Mexican Cession, 191

Mexico; and settlement of Texas, 160–161; US border, 189

militias, 10

Millar, Rabina Craig, 257

Miller, James Patterson, 578–580

Mississippi River, 125

Missouri Compromise, 81, 95

Monroe Doctrine, 23–30

Monroe, James, 23, 24, 126, 130

Moore, Ely, 270–277

Mormons, 619, 620

Morse, Samuel F. B., 582

Mott, Lucretia, 330

Murray, Hugh, 193–194

Muskogees, 44


Napoleon. See Bonaparte, Napoleon

Narrative of Sojourner Truth, 408–415

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (Douglass), 398–406

Nashoba, 253, 258

National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 337

Native American Party. See Know-Nothing Party

nativism, 194, 477–478, 513, 584

Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 463

“Nature and Occasions of Intemperance, The” (Beecher), 262–268

“New Democratic Doctrine, The”, 368

New Harmony community, 320

New Mexico Territory, 84

newspapers, 517

New York; African American churches in, 374; electors, 577–584; Irish immigrants, 447; transportation, 32, 38

New York, New York; economic history, 270

New York Protestant Association, 577

Niles, Hezekiah, 534

nonevangelical faiths, 613, 619–621

North Carolina, 42

Northup, Solomon, 427–428

Northwest Indian War, 626

nullification debate, 50, 57


O’Brien clan, 453

“Observations on the Real Rights of Women”, 233–240

Ogden, Aaron, 33–37

Oklahoma, 47

“On Seizing Land from Native Californians” (de la Guerra), 202–208

“On Texan Independence” (Austin), 155–162

On the Description of Persons to Whom Emigration Would Be Most Beneficial (Cobbett), 530

“Oration before the Shamrock Friendly Association” (Lemoine), 447–455

“Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade” (Williams), 373–379

Oregon Territory, 174

Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo, 309

Overland Trail, 174, 179

Owen, Robert, 319–320


Paley, William, 345

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 604, 605, 608

People v. Hall (California Supreme Court), 193–200

petition (politics), 294–295

Petition to the US Congress Regarding the Great Influx of Roman Catholics (Miller), 577–584

Pico, Antonio Maria, 227

Pierce, Maris B., 657

Pinkney, William, 18

Plan for Improving Female Education, A (Willard), 242–250

“Plan of the West Roxbury Community, The” (Peabody), 604–611

Polk, James, 183

postmillennialism, 572

“Present at the Beginning of the Gold Rush” (Buffum), 219

Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 76

Pringle, Catherine Sager, 174–175

Procter, Henry, 625–630, 631

“Progress and Extent of Immigration Prior to 1819” (Bromwell), 525

Protestants; anti-Catholicism of, 577; sects, 618

Protocol of Querétaro, 188


Quakers, 337, 573; abolition and slavery, 378

Queenstown, Battle of, 8


race relations, 462–464

racism, 198–199; against American Indians, 47, 640; against Chinese immigrants, 193, 199–200, 505, 508–510; Christian argument against, 641; against immigrants, 482–483; against Mexican Americans, 206–208; scientific, 199

Ray, Charles Bennett, 468, 469, 595–596

Red Jacket; speech to Reverend Jacob Cram, 644

reform movements, social, 262, 266, 337, 574

“Regarding Oregon Statehood” (Curry), 223

Religion in America (Baird), 613–621

religious diversity, US, 618–621

republican motherhood, 238, 247, 257, 309, 334

Republican Party, 116; formation, 99

“Resistance to Civil Government” (Thoreau), 339–348

Resolutions of the Treaty Party, 651

restorationism, 556–557

revivalism, 262, 539, 544–547, 567–575

Reynolds, Thomas, 453

Ridge, John, 651

“Rights of Man to Property, The” (Skidmore), 360

Rio Grande, 189

Ripley, George, 586, 587–588, 609

Robertson, William, 581

Robinson, Harriet H., 279–280

Rock, John S., 440

Roman Catholicism, 619, 620

romanticism, 308

Ross, John, 61, 67

runaway slaves, 70

Rush, Benjamin, 257

Russian Empire, 27


Sabbatarianism, 573

Sabbath Day, 619

Sacagawea, 139

sacramental meetings, 545

Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 184

Scott, Dred, 93

Scott, Winfield, 183

sea travel; accommodations, 495–496; difficulties for passengers, 500–501; diseases, 501

Second Bank of the United States. See Bank of the United States, Second

Second Great Awakening. See Great Awakening, Second

sectarianism, 554–555

sectionalism, 78, 84–87

Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno, 164–172

Self-Reliance (Emerson), 298–306

Seminoles, 44

Seneca Falls convention, 329–330

sermons, Election Day, 562

Seward, William H., 109–110

Shakers, 540, 620

Shamrock Friendly Association, 447, 454

Skidmore, Thomas, 360

slave insurrection, 389–397, 601

slave narrative, 389–397, 398–406, 427–434

slavery, 100, 357, 373, 377, 381, 385, 427, 464–465, 468, 601; and Alexis de Tocqueville, 464; abolition of, 373–379; and Christianity, 385–386, 387; in literature, 418–419, 423–425; legal aspects, 70–79, 81–87, 89–97, 104, 381–387, 427–428, 431–433; Northern, 408–415; physical punishment, 433; political aspects, 114–115; religious justifications for, 404, 405, 475, 572; religious opposition to, 572–573; separation of families, 433; westward expansion, 116, 216

Smith, William, 495–496

socialism, 320, 592, 604

Society of Friends. See Quakers

South Carolina, 50

Speech in Congress on the War of 1812 (Clay), 3–11

Speech on Conciliation with America (Burke), 259

Speer, William, 199

“Sphere of Woman and Man as Moral Beings the Same, The” (A. Grimké), 288–296

“Spiritual Freedom” (Channing), 559–564

Springfield Presbytery, 539

St. Ann’s Lodge, 234

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 249, 329–337

states’ rights, 86; debate, 19, 55–58

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 418–419

St. Patrick’s Day, 452

suffrage movement, 329–337

Supreme Court, US, 57; Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 45, 60–68; Dred Scott v. Sandford, 89–97; Gibbons v. Ogden, 32–39; Jackson administration and, 65; McCulloch v. Maryland, 13–21; original jurisdiction, 65

Sutter, John A., 210–211, 214–216


Taney, Roger B., 89–90

Tassel, George, 61

Taylor, Zachary, 183

Tecumseh, 625–632

Tejanos, 164–166, 169–172

temperance movement, 262–268, 518, 573

Tennessee; politics, 42

Tenth Amendment, 20

Texas; Compromise of 1850 and, 85; statehood, 183; War of Independence, 155–161, 164–165

“Thanksgiving Sermon on Abolition of the Slave Trade, A” (Jones), 381–387

Thoreau, Henry David, 339–348, 357

time, perception of, 518–519

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 457–458

transcendentalism, 298, 299, 302–305, 308, 309, 340, 560, 563, 564, 586–587, 604, 609

Travis, William B., 160

Treaty of Fort Wayne, 625, 631, 632

Treaty of Greenville, 626, 630

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 183–191, 210

Treaty of New Echota, 67

Trial of John Brown, The, 350–358

Trist, Nicholas Philip, 183–184

Troy Female Seminary, 243, 249

Truth, Sojourner, 408, 416

Truth Teller (periodical), 577

Turner, Benjamin, 394

Turner, Nat, 389–397

Twelve Years a Slave (Northup), 427–434

Two Years before the Mast (Dana), 145, 146, 152


Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 418–425

unemployment; during the Industrial Revolution, 516–517

Unitarian Baptists, 619

Unitarianism, 298–299, 559–565, 586, 619, 620

Utah; statehood, 84

utopianism, 324–327, 586, 604, 609. See also Brook Farm


Views of Society and Manners in America (Wright), 252, 253

Vindication of the Rights of Women, A (Wollstonecraft), 233, 239

Virginia; slavery, 389, 390–397

“Voice of Warning to the Native-Born Patriots of Our Country, The”, 521


wagons, 179, 491

Wahkiakum Indians, 140

Walker, David, 436

War of 1812, 3–11, 625–626, 631–632

Washington, DC; slavery and, 85

Webster, Daniel, 18, 50–58, 641

Webster-Hayne debate, 55

Weekly Advocate (periodical). See Colored American, The

Weitz, Martin, 513–518

wellness movements, 267

“We Love the Land That Covers the Bones of Our Fathers”, 648

Westward migration, 491–493

Whig Party, 110

Whitman, Marcus, 175

Willard, Emma Hart, 242–250

Williams, Peter, Jr., 373–379

Wilmot Proviso, 84

Wirt, William, 18, 61, 65, 641

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 233, 239, 252

Woman in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller), 308

Woman’s Rights Convention, 329

“Woman’s Trip across the Plains, A” (Haun), 486–493

women’s education, 242–250

women’s rights movement, 233–240, 252–260, 293–295, 308–316, 329–337

Woolman, John, 378

Worcester v. Georgia, 67

Wright, Frances, 252–260

Wyandot Nation, 648


Young Men’s Fremont and Dayton Central Union, 368