Table of Contents: Defining Documents in American History: The Emergence of Modern America (1874–1917)

The Contents of Defining Documents in American History: The Emergence of Modern America (1874–1917)

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


The End of the Frontier and the Start of a New Era

“The Rush to Oklahoma”

“The Significance of the Frontier in American History”

Labor Pains

“Account of the Haymarket Riot”

Eugene Debs: “What Can We Do for Working People?”

Frick’s Fracas: Henry Frick Makes His Case

The Homestead Strike: A Congressional View

Senator Sherman on the Pullman Strike

Coal Strike Hearings: The Miners Testify

“Echoes from the Recent Pennsylvania Coal Strike”

The Lives of Workers

From How the Other Half Lives

An Immigrant Garment Worker’s “Days and Dreams”

Jane Addams: “Child Labor and Other Dangers of Childhood”

From The Jungle

Child Labor in the New York City Tenements

Fire Hazards in New York City Factories

Capital Concerns

Wall Street Owns the Country

Populist Party Platform, 1892

President Grover Cleveland on Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act

“Political Causes of the Business Depression”

Andrew Carnegie: “The Gospel of Wealth”

Conflicts Farther Afield

Queen Liliuokalani to President Benjamin Harrison

Report on the Battle of Santiago

Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League

“Subjugation on the Philippines Iniquitous”

The War Prayer

US-Mexico Tensions

Minorities and Mistreatments

Chinese Exclusion Act

Address of the Lake Mohonk Conference on Indian Affairs

Plessy v. Ferguson

W.E.B. Du Bois: “Strivings of the Negro People”

W.E.B. Du Bois: “The Study of the Negro Problems”

A Mississippi Governor Opposes Black Education

“What It Means to be Colored in the Capital of the U.S.A.”

A Skeptical View of Mexican Immigrants in the United States

W.E.B. Du Bois: “Socialism and the Negro Problem”

Women, Suffrage, and Society

Petition to US Congress for Women’s Suffrage

Frances Willard: Address to the National Council of Women

From Youth’s Educator for Home and Society

On American Motherhood

“Women’s Suffrage in a Democratic Republic”

Petition from the Women Voters Anti-Suffrage Party

Reformers and Remedies

“The Absurd Effort to Make the World Over”

Frances Willard on Christian Social Responsibility

Jane Addams on Settlement Houses

John Dewey on Social Organization and the Individual

President Theodore Roosevelt on the Conservation of Natural Resources

Declaration of the Conservation Conference

An Argument for Prohibition

A Technological Breakthrough

The Wright Brothers’ First Powered Flight


Chronological List

Web Resources
