Electronic Resources


  • 365Gay


    http://www.365gay.com Colorful and packed with information, 365Gay is a gay- and lesbian-focused daily, online newspaper. It offers news, entertainment stories, lifestyle and travel sections, and an opinion section with letters to the editor. The site’s “Fun Zone” includes standard newspaper staples such as comic strips, horoscopes, and crossword puzzles. Like many sites, 365Gay also offers a discussion forum.

  • Bisexual Resource Center


    http://www.biresource.org While the parent organization of this site is physically based in Boston, Massachusetts, its Web site is meant to be a global presence. Offers links that direct visitors to articles on bisexuality, conferences and events calendars, and resources from books and newsletters to merchandise and mail order.

  • GayCanada


    http://www.gaycanada.com This Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resource Directory is a comprehensive source for GLBT information across Canada. In addition to offering directory information for GLBT travel, community, and professional services, the site posts links to yahoo.ca articles on GLBT topics and offers discussion groups and message boards.

  • Gayscape


    http://www.gayscape.com A search engine that limits its listings to sites of gay, lesbian, and bisexual interests. There is a quick search feature where visitors can enter their own word or choose a search by location in the United States, browse by country, or browse by a lengthy list of topics and subcategories.

  • glbtq: An Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture


    http://www.glbtq.com A Web site in an encyclopedia format with essays on various GLBT subjects, including arts and entertainment, history, literature, and social issues. Discussion boards are also provided but require membership, which is free, in order to post.

  • Pridenet


    http://www.pridenet.com This site serves as a virtual yellow pages to GLBT communities around the world. Visitors can search the site geographically or by subject. Advertisers include both GLBT owned and operated as well as gay-friendly establishments and services. This is a no-frills site with category links that lead to advertising and also to specific sites.


  • GALA Choruses: The Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses


    http://www.galachoruses.org Provides information and support to the one hundred-plus choruses in the organization. Also includes listings of GLBT choruses worldwide and of upcoming GALA and individual chorus events.

  • Lambda Literary Foundation


    http://www.lambdaliterary.org The Lambda Literary Foundation celebrates LGBT literature through its annual Lambda Literary Awards, highlighted on the foundation’s Web site. This site includes a “guidelines” page for nominations and lists past winners.

Civil Rights

  • Human Rights Campaign


    http://www.hrc.org This site contains numerous pages for LGBT advocacy in areas such as marriage, the workplace, religion, and state and federal politics. It offers articles on current news stories and links to local and national Human Rights Campaign events.

  • International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission


    http://www.iglhrc.org The IGLHRC was established to respond to human rights violations around the world. This site offers a clear, concise summary of the mission of the IGLHRC. Well organized and designed, the home page lists the most recent press releases of the organization and also provides links to areas such as the history and mission statement of the commission, information on political asylum, and regional action alerts and news stories, which visitors may select by country.

  • International Lesbian and Gay Association


    http://www.ilga.org The International Lesbian and Gay Association works to achieve equal rights worldwide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. The Web site contains links to press releases, information on GLBT-related world events, and a small library of past articles on many subjects. The site can be viewed in several languages, including English, French, and Spanish.

  • National Gay and Lesbian Task Force


    http://www.thetaskforce.org This site of the first national LGBT civil rights and advocacy organization—the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force—offers an extensive history of the organization. There are also links to information on various political activities such as state ballot measures, fund-raising, and facts on political candidates.

Cultural and Intellectual History

  • Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives


    http://www.clga.ca This Web site is extremely organized and uncluttered by fancy images and flashy special effects. The home page gives a clear listing of site contents, the most informative of which is the link about the organization itself. It is further divided into the history of the archives, more than six years worth of press releases, and instructions on how to donate material. Halfway down the listing of site contents there is a link to archive materials available online through this and other sites. This section also provides links to essays, news articles, biographies, and publication reviews.

  • GLBT Historical Society


    http://www.glbthistory.org This site provides information about the GLBT Historical Society (GLBTHS), its history, its physical location in San Francisco and its hours of operation, and its plans to build a museum dedicated to GLBT history and culture. An informative link is included to CatalogQ, a comprehensive source on GLBT periodicals that is searchable by multiple criteria and contains information about the holdings of the GLBTHS; the ONE Institute and Archives in Los Angeles; the San Francisco Public Library; the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives in West Hollywood; the Lavender Library, Archives and Cultural Exchange in Sacramento; and the Transgender Periodicals Collection at California State University, Northridge.

Government and Politics

  • Log Cabin Republicans


    http://online.logcabin.org The home page of the Log Cabin Republicans features major news, links to additional news releases, and a “reading room” for other news sources. The site includes a history of the organization, contact information for its various chapters across the country, a nationwide calendar of events, and a video library where visitors may download and view a variety of political speeches.

  • National Stonewall Democrats


    http://www.stonewalldemocrats.org The home page of the National Stonewall Democrats has a simple yet colorful format. Visitors must click on the one featured news story on the front page or click on an unassuming link to the side of the page to reach an additional link to the previous years’ news releases. Also includes links to speeches, opinion pieces, and chapters around the country.

Laws, Acts, and Legal History

  • Lambda Legal


    http://www.lambdalegal.org Achieving GLBT civil rights through litigation, education, and public policy, Lambda Legal’s Web site offers links to current as well as historic court cases that have impacted the LGBT community. There is also a “Help Desk” feature, which provides legal information regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV-AIDS status.

Marches, Protests, and Riots

  • International Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Coordinators


    http://www.interpride.org This site provides links to the organization’s mission statement and history, the benefits of having a city’s local pride organization become a member of this coordinating organization, and a calendar of pride events throughout the world.

  • Stonewall Veterans Association


    http://www.stonewallvets.org Stonewall Veterans was formed as an educational organization concerned with the history of the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City in June, 1969. In addition to its archiving goals, the group also provides more immediate resources for veterans of the rebellion who need food, clothing, or shelter. The Web site includes an enormous collection of images of ephemera and photographs from the Stonewall era and later.

Organizations and Institutions

  • Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation


    http://www.glaad.org This site offers a history of the organization as well as links to various campaigns, past and present, that have focused and continue to focus attention on the fair and accurate media representation of LGBT persons.

  • Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays


    http://www.pflag.org PFLAG is a support network for the families and friends of gays and lesbians. The Web site includes a Frequently Asked Questions link for those who need information about what to do when family members or friends come out. There is also an extensive page on the structure of PFLAG, including finding a chapter at the national or international level.

  • Servicemembers Legal Defense Network


    http://www.sldn.org SLDN offers legal services and is a watchdog and policy group focusing on discrimination against lesbians and gays in the military. Its Web site includes an extensive “law library,” a blog called “Frontlines,” a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell “Survival Guide,” and an online petition to government representatives.


  • Advocate.com


    http://www.advocate.com This award-winning news site is packed with news stories, pop-culture features, arts and entertainment reviews, and a lengthy nationwide events calendar of interest to the LGBT community. Separate from its newsstand counterpart, The Advocate, Advocate.com offers exclusive online articles and commentaries not found in the print version. There is, however, a separate page where visitors can locate print issues from the past three years and view the full text of the cover stories of past issues.


  • Federation of Gay Games


    http://www.gaygames.com The Federation of Gay Games is “Built upon the principles of Participation, Inclusion and Personal Best.” The organization’s Web site offers extensive information about the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago, Illinois, as well as articles on individual athletes and the history of the games.

  • Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association


    http://www.glisa.org The home page for this multisport governing body is pleasant but primarily consists of a list of press releases. A separate page discusses the first World Outgames, held in Montreal, Canada in the summer of 2006. The site has an extensive list of participating members of GLISA, organized by continental regions, with brief descriptions and links to the members’ own Web sites.

  • Gaysports


    http://www.gaysports.com Designed as the “preferred destination online for gay and lesbian sports enthusiasts worldwide,” this Web site is all inclusive. It includes feature articles on a variety of sports, indoor and outdoor activities, fitness, and recreation. Registering as a member, which is free, allows visitors to browse the profiles of other members, participate in discussion forums, and post classified advertisements.

  • International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics


    http://www.igla.org IGLA promotes the participation of gays and lesbians in aquatic sports. Its Web site offers a calendar of aquatic sporting events from around the world, a listing of water sports teams, such as swim teams and water polo teams, and subscription lists of offsite discussion groups.

  • Outsports


    http://www.outsports.com This is an informative site filled with sports articles, both contemporary and historical, dealing with GLBT issues and personalities. The site also includes photo galleries, fitness tips, and discussion boards. A separate feature contains a variety of information on specific sports and sporting events such as baseball, tennis, and the 2002 and 2006 Gay Games.


  • Gender Public Advocacy Coalition


    http://www.gpac.org The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition, or GenderPAC, works to end workplace, classroom, and community-based discrimination and violence directed at people with alternative or nonconforming gender expressions. GenderPAC’s Web site includes pages on “Workplace Fairness,” “Violence Prevention,” gender and youth, hate crimes, national news, and myths and facts.

  • GenderTalk


    http://www.gendertalk.com This site is the online home of Web radio broadcast GenderTalk, a weekly program for and about transgender persons. The site offers a link to the live Saturday evening broadcasts as well as an archive of past broadcasts available for download. There is also an extensive listing of resource links to other GLBT topics.

  • Susan’s Place Transgender Resources


    http://www.susans.org A no-frills site, the home page is a directory of links to a variety of articles on transsexuality and lists the Web sites of transgender support groups, personal home pages, and businesses that are trans-friendly. The site also includes downloadable, free chat software.